Coach GShort’s August 21th Newletter
CoachGShort Weekly Newsletter August 21st 2011
Before we get to the newsletter I have to
take a second and appoligize for not getting a newsletter out last week.
As many of you know that I went on a hike and on my way down I sprained my
ankle. The sprain was not that bad but walking 6-7 miles off the mountain
was. So I am back on track as of today with my workouts, but I am modifing
to ensure that I don’t make anything worse. Take a look at my hike and
believe it or not I have video of me when I hurt my ankle.
Keep Pushing Play and on with the
90 Days of P90X
We have had 7 people finish P90X in the last
couple weeks!!! Congratz goes out to Rosshmusic, steel1, fit2betied,
TeckyL, JBCorby1, pacochu, homebirthmama, JenS77 and melmonette. (I am sure
hoping that I didn’t miss anyone). Great job and most of them are planning
to continue with their Beachbody workouts. So all those looking for support please
come to our TEAM
Thread!!! Most of the team is doing P90X but
there are poeple that are moving on to Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, and Turbo
Fire!!! So come get the support that you deserve!!!
many of us joined Beachbody to lose weight. This week’s newsletter’s main article by Bill
Is Losing Weight
Fast Dangerous?
A reader emailed me the other day: “Is rapid weight loss
This is actually a fairly common question. And when I see it, here’s what I
read between the lines: “How bad would it be if I starved myself to drop a few
The answer: Pretty bad. Not because it’s unhealthy—though it can be—but
because in the long run this strategy will make you fat. Really.
When it comes to losing weight, how fast is too fast? We asked Men’s
Health Weight Loss Coach Alan Aragon, M.S., a nutritionist who works with
Olympic and professional athletes, for his perspective. His definition:
“Dropping pounds so rapidly that in addition to losing fat, you lose muscle too.
This isn’t ‘dangerous’ as in ‘life-threatening,’ but it’s not good for your
overall health.”
Here’s why: Losing muscle reduces your ability to burn calories and regulate
your blood sugar, says Aragon—and, of course, it makes you weaker. What’s more,
lost muscle is often replaced by fat when you stop dieting. The result: You end
up looking flabbier than ever. After all, each pound of fat takes up 18 percent
more space on your body than each pound of muscle.
Aragon dug into the scientific research to determine the rate that different
people could lose weight without losing muscle. His findings:
* Obese to morbidly obese: 3 to 5 pounds per week
* Overweight: 2 to 3
pounds per week
* Lean to average: 1 to 2 pounds per week
* Very Lean: 0.5
to 1 pound per week

Of course, you can help your cause even more by lifting weights while you
diet. Research shows that this can prevent the wasting of muscle, helping ensure
your weight loss is pure fat.
The other dangers of rapid weight loss: bone loss, dehydration, and an
increased risk of binge eating in some people. “But these are typically the
result of severe caloric restriction,”says Aragon. His solution: “I’ve found
that you can use a simple formula to calculate a smart and effective caloric
intake; it’s based on your target body weight.”
For example, let’s say you’re a man who weighs 220
pounds, but you’d like to tip the scales at 180 pounds. You’ll base your calorie
intake on that of a 180-pound guy. Now if you don’t do any resistance exercise
(you should!), simply multiply your target body by 11. That’s the minimum number
of daily calories you should consume for healthy weight loss, with little risk
to your muscles.
If you do lift weights, use 9—instead of 11—and add to that the number of
hours you work out per week. So if you exercise one hour a week, you’ll multiply
your target body weight by 10. If you exercise two hours a week, you’ll multiply
your target body weight by 11; if you exercise three hours a week, you’ll
multiply your target body weight by 12; and so on. (The extra activity will
allow you to eat more and still lose just as fast.)
Then remember these tips as you start your weight loss program:
1. Prepare to plateau. “Your weight drop will be linear at
first, meaning you’ll typically lose a steady amount every week,” says Aragon.
“However, as you get lighter, your weight will tend to drop in a stepwise
manner. So don’t get discouraged if scale holds for a few days, or even a couple
of weeks. The closer you get to your goal, the longer the stalls or plateaus can
2. Take a time out. Every 8 to 12 weeks, take 7 days
completely off from dieting. “Don’t consciously try to stuff your face, but
don’t rigidly restrict yourself either,” says Aragon. “This is a good mental and
physical break from dieting that allows people to sustain their diets for longer
3. Redefine progress. “Look at other determinants of success
besides the scale,” says Lisa Sasson, R.D., associate professor of nutrition at
New York University. Monitor your triglycerides, blood pressure, and body fat
percentage. As these numbers improve, you’ll have even more motivation to stick
with your eating plan.
I truly believe in this product! I can’t say that everyone will have the same
reaction as my wife has had and I truly cannot say that the doctor treatments
have not had a hand it her increased energy but going from 2 months ago when she
was complaining about not having any energy to get out of bed to going to the
point of re-painting our kitchen by herself, I can say I am a believer in this
product and so is she.
I recommend giving this product a try and with the Beach Body Bottom-of-the-Bag guarantee if you are not totally satisfied in the first 30 day you can return it for a full refund (less s&h). If you are interested in trying a sample please either message me on or send me an email at and if you are ready to order please follow this link:
Beach Body
Coaching Team!!!
“End the TREND” is just a saying,
it a way of being. Here is a video
done by CDC Streaming Health on youtube.
The Obesity Epidemic
The video talks about what can the government and organization do to
help, but I ask what can we do as individuals? Beachbody gives us the
ability to help those around us through their programs. Until each person
make it a priority in thier own life no government or organization get someone
in shape. But I can tell you that there are people out there that are
waiting for someone to show up and show them a way out of their current
What is holding you back?!? Help pick up the fight!!!
Take a look at Marc & Nicolas C. and their success story as a BeachBody Coach:
& Nicolas
What are some of the benefits of being a coach?
- Help other discover the Beach Body products and
- Discounts on all Beach Body products and programs
- Opportunity to supplement you income while working out and sharing your experiences with Beach Body.
Now is the time to join. For more information please message me on or email me at
Motivational Video:
What does Padero R. say about BeachBody’s P90X?
Thanks for all the good work and support everyone is
showing each other.
Gregory Short – Independent BeachBody Coach