Are you the tortoise or the hare?

In the world that we live in today we are constantly bombarded with get rich quick schemes; get thin by just adding a sprinkle of this or eating a certain diet. All of these things are things that I would consider “Hare” products. Their advertising says that it is so simple that anyone can do it but just like the hare in the Aesop’s Fables the hare ran ahead of the tortoise and stopped to take a nap, the tortoise who did fall into the traps of having to go fast knew that slow and steady wins the race kept plugging along and did win the race! I won’t argue that some of these “Hare” products and programs have some results but as soon as you stop them we truly haven’t learned to change your life and as soon as you stop the results disappear and you are no further ahead than when you started.Modeling our lives in the way of the tortoise is where true results comes from. Through consistency we build habits that will change our lives and the lives of those around us. Don’t focus on the habits that you need to change focus on the habits that you are building.
Commit – Fitness – Nutrition – Support – Rewards SUCCEED!!!
Looking for the right program that is right for you?
Check out these DEALS!!
T25 is a mega hit and people are getting amazing results from just 25 minutes a day!! Look at team member Christine E. She is half way through T25 is already see amazing results and she still has 6 weeks left! The great news is that since people have loved T25 so much, Beachbody is extending it offer on the T25 Challenge Pack!!

TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire. Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!!

TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire. Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!! This 12 week program along with its fire drills will get you moving sweating and getting you to your goals. Check out Devan S. She was had the last draw when her doctor but her in cholesterol meds and she had an allergic reaction to them. TurboFire changed everything around and now instead of looking for a “magic pill” or a “body in a bottle” but now she has a new look out on life!! TurboFire Challegne Pack: Beast
is probably the number one program that will get you to a physic that you are wanting. Someone you know that I was able to compete in the first ever Beast Classic in Las Vegas this past June and now I get the opportunity to let you know that this program is on sale! out the challenge pack and come join me!!
Each challenge pack comes with a workout program, 30 days of Shakeology, 30 days of a Club Beachbody that will provided you exactly what to eat, and support of me and the team!!