There are many reasons why we need to lose weight, but saying I want to lose 5, 10, or even more weight is not reason.
We need to get into your own heads and start looking at what it is that we truly want and why it is you truly eat the way we do…
Sure there are workouts that can be done to help you lose weight, tone up and build muscle, but when we find our true reason why we are changing our lives then eating and working out is not the focus but instead reaching our true goal becomes our calling.
So what is your goal…
Getting ready for a vacation, getting off are medications, to be able to walk up a flight of stairs, to keep up with our kids, to give ourselves the best chance to see our sons, daughters and/or grandkids walk down the aisle on their wedding day, etc…
Or is it like me personal reason of being able to look in the mirror know that I wasn’t a failure for my wife and kids.
What is the reason that you to make your life better?