Are we limited by what we have or who we are
do we limit ourselves by using the excuse that we can’t change?

It isn’t what you do once or twice a week, it is what you daily that matters, and doesn’t matter what you do as long as it pushes yourself.

Dreams can be hard and you will be frustrated at times, so be sure to set your dreams big and keep going!

It doesn’t take much to change your life but it does take a choice to make your life better.
What would you be willing to give up to be healthier and happier?

Yesterday I had a friend tell me that he had lost 25 lbs. He said that he might not be loud but he is always listening.
When we change, we have the opportunity to not only change ourselves but to also help others, and it all starts with a little change in our daily habits.
You never know who is watching 👀
Living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life…