When you decide to work for yourself, what time would you get up to achieve your goals?
Dedication is not what is done while people are looking, it is what’s done when no one sees you.
Every morning at 5:15 I am up and I start my #miraclemorning. The kids are home from school, the wife is asleep, but I know that if I want to reach my goals of helping people achieve their best possible outcome in life but I need to make sure that I take care of myself first.
Working for myself and showing others how to live differently than the rest of the world isn’t done through talk, it is done through action even if the action is unseen.
Today is the day to remember the amazing people in our lives and what they mean to us.
As we are eating amazing meals, and having candy, and sweets, don’t remember to forget to love yourselves and make sure that you partake of all those delicious things in stride and don’t over do it.
Talk about a throwback Thursday #tbt . Here is my dad’s photo when he was younger with my aunt, uncle and grandparents. I don’t see a ton of resemblance to my dads side except my smile.
What do you think, do I resemble any of my dads side?
Last night and this morning when I woke up my left calf was killing me. this morning I thought there was no way that I would be able to work out.
Then I decided that I needed to push and see if I was being a baby or if I was really hurting.
I drank a lot of water, half of a banana along with my pre-workout drink and proceeded to kill my workout. even increasing weights on a couple of moves.
The best part was before I wanted to go back to bed and throw the day away, but now I am ready to make it the best day ever!!
My daily improvements that I am working on are my workouts (of course), learning Spanish, guitar and of course daily reading (self improvement books and/or scriptures). I know I migh be great or even good but each day I get better.