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Tips to move you in the morning!


Staying up too late does not helping motivation in the morning, but I have my goals before I hit 40 so up and at em!

Here a few tip help yourself get up in the morning from the book the mircle morning… 1. Set your intentions before Bed
2. Set your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get up to tuen it off.
3. Brush your teeth
4. Drink a full glass of water
5. Get dressed or jump in the shower 🚿

The path is seldom easy and straight…


We tend to mistaken setbacks as opportunities.

Yesterday while shoveling our driveway I took a spill. I tweet my left thigh muscle and we’ll have to modify my workouts completely to ensure a quick recovery.

Our path to whatever goal we have will never be a quick and straight line but instead will be a series of challenges that will keep us from having an easy path.

These are the times where we get to choose whether it is time to give in or it is time to push forward.

Tomorrow should be scarey


Tomorrow never comes but when we think about it it can scare us.

We as humans are creatures of habit and pattern. We like to know what is going to happen and will often choose an outcome that isn’t best for us because it is easier than dealing with the unknown.

Change is hard, scary and unsettling but change is where amazing things happen. It is time to stop regretting the things that we haven’t or aren’t doing and it is time to make our lives what we want of them!

Did you push yourself to the limit today?


Did you push yourself to the limit today?

They say failure is where we learn the most, and it is also where we grow the most.

Today I push myself and went to failure several different times on several different exercises. I wrote down at what weight what rap on which exercise I fell down, so next time I can push myself just a little bit harder and improve a little bit better each time.

It doesn’t hurt at all that when I work this hard iron my recovery drink which the calories don’t count against my daily allowance and it tastes like a Wendys frosty.