Make sure That you are focused on what you want and not just what you need.
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Join us next week for amazing food and see how weight loss can be nutritious and delicious!!
Make the food, share the picture of your food and you could win! I am excited to share. Just click on the link and come join us!!
Always looking to fail and do it often.
Failure is an event and what defines us.
Sign me up for a dose of failure please
Through out history men and women have failed. It happens to all of us at one time or another, but the question is what are you going to do about it?
Failure isn’t such a bad thing if we look at it the right way. Failure can be the best teacher, and help us to stay humble and grounded to what is really important.
So when we do fail we have the choice to curl up into the fetal position or we can choose to learn and do better.
Here are three examples of people that choose to learn and continue moving forward no matter the set backs.
Four strikes and you are out?
Between the years of 1843-1855 R.H. Macy opened 4 stores all which dwindled and failed but did that stop him from moving forward?
Not only no, in 1858 R.H. Macy open the 1st of what is now a chain of almost 800 stores.
How many times would you have to be told “No” before you gave up?
1, 10, 100, over 1,000?
Harland David Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders endured being told no over and over again. Carrying his secret mixture of herbs and spices to find the one yes.
It has gone to become the second largest restaurant chains with around 19,000 outlets in 118 countries and territories.
Even if you don’t like his chicken, you have to love his determination!
How would you react to…
- Losing your mother to illness at the age of 9
- Losing your job due to your boss making poor business decision
- Losing a election where you just need to be in the top 4 vote getters
- Borrow money to start a business, business fails and end up paying not only portion but the portion of your partner who passed away after the business closes its doors
- Fiance dies
- Ran for Congress but failed to achieve his party’s nomination
- Was beat out for prominent federal position when the Secretary of the interior choose someone else
- Unable to attain a seat for the US Senate twice
- Won the election to become the 16th President of the United States.
Can you imagine how the course of history could have been changed if any of these set backs kept him from moving forward?
So the next time you have a set back, remember that failures are events and they do not define who you are. I have no doubt that Lincoln, Macy or Sanders would tell you the exact same thing!
Don’t judge
If we knew what something was going to be in the end, life wouldn’t be much fun. Just like if we knew everything that would happen in our lives we would miss out on all the surprises that life brings us.
There will be challenges but hold your ground and push yourself to be better everyday and you will grow beyond your own wildest imagination!
When should we start our goals?
Life is crazy!!
When things settle down I will start making plans to achieve ___________ (fill in your dreams).
I have personally dealt with the, “When things get less crazy, I will start” syndrome. We all go through this, kids are taking up too much time, work has me running in so many directions, I have church responsibilities, etc.
There will always be excuses not to start, but a time has to come for all of us to decide that we are ready for change no matter how hard it may seem. Baby steps in the right direction may be the easiest way to go about it.
Wake up early
Studies have shown that when we wake up early with specific tasks in mind that we are more likely to stay focused on the task at hand and complete them.
Scare yourself
Ask yourself “If I don’t change what I am doing, am I going to be happy with my future if it stays the same?”
If you don’t know how things are going to work in the future then you know it is time to do something different.
Work from a list
When we are leaving on vacation, there always seem like there is so much we need to take care of before we start lathering on the sun screen. So we tend to be focused on getting those must do’s done. The last thing we want is to worry about real life while we relax.
We do this by focusing on a list of what needs to be done and prioritize it to ensure that whether we are at the beach or just laying down for a good night sleep, we can do it with out stress. Live with what we call a vacation list and prioritize and focus on it daily.
Start Small
You don’t wake up one morning and you have everything in place.
Add one or two things into your life and build your routine but never stop adding things that make your life better. Slowly replace bad or outdated habits with good or better habits.
Be Consistent
Things will go wrong and you may feel like things will never change, but when we stick with a proven process, progress will happen.
Commit to your new “No Matter What” activity for a year. Even if you don’t feel like you have made progress as fast as you would like, keep going and trust the process. It will WORK if you STICK with the plan.
Push today to love tomrrow!
What would you get rid of?
What would you get rid of?
Growing up very poor and on government welfare in a single parent home was rough. I have a dream of helping children that come from the same situation.
I was given an opportunity to break the cycle of living in government support and it would be wonderful to pass that along.
How did I get here? Or How did I get here!!!
“It’s not the big things that add up in the end; it’s the hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.” – Darren Hardy
We are the decisions and choices that we make and these accumulate to what we get out of life.
Before my fitness journey I didn’t eat horribly. My family believed in eating organic, whole foods, but we liked to eat out quite a bit. While my choices of food was not bad, the quantity of what I ate was another entire issue. We would often make trips to the local burrito establishment and get one of the huge burritos, you know that ones that are the size of small compact car and could easily feed a small village.
What I didn’t realize is that my burrito was 1200 calories of my daily allowance of 2000 calories. This was just one bad habit along with skipping breakfast, and for lunch it would be a quick trip through a drive thru. I did not drink enough water and there was always a treat on someone’s desk at work that I could snag.
So on a typical day I was consuming 2200 to 3000 calories. Those extra calories combined with 60-80 hour stressful work weeks sitting behind a desk and not getting enough sleep slowly lead me to become 50 lbs over weight.
I wasn’t hugely over eating but those 50 pounds didn’t happen over night, but were a result of slow over time accumulation of bad habits and not know what I was doing.
While this is an example of how I put on 50 lbs, those small accumliations work is the oppiste direction for good also. Cutting my calories, exercising, drinking water and getting more sleep help me lose 50 lbs and then build an extra 20 lbs of muscle. All of this by making little changes to my daily choices.
No matter what we are doing in life, health and fitness, saving for retirement, working on a school degree, etc… It is the choices that we make today that will effect our future.
In the book “Start” author Jon Acuff talks about you have two choices. You can wake up in the morning and say “How did I get here?” or you can say “How did I get here!”
Success is not just something that happens, it is a combination of the millions of choices we make. In a year from now, what are you going to say?
Do doctor cure us or just patch us up?
We had a doctor join our team this week and he had some amazing things to say about our company. Sorry for the novel.
“It is amazing how much medicine some people are on. As an emergency department physician, on a daily basis, I see people on 20, 30, even 40 medications a day. This is crazy!
If you have Diabetes, add 2-5 medications. Hypertension, add 2-3 more. If your have had a heart attack or have COPD, you could be on 5 medications for each.
If you have chronic pain, add narcotics, gabapentin, and a muscle relaxant. The cost of all these medications is often several hundred dollars a month.
So much of what we do as physicians is patchwork. If you have a problem, there is a medicine which might help. These medications usually do not fix the problem, but instead only cover it up.
I am coming to realize, however, that there is a much better way through diet and exercise. If there was a medication that cost $100 to $150 a month that could cure many of the ailments my patients suffered and would allow them to come off many of their current medications over time, they would demand to be on it.
For that price, they could get a BeachBody program, push play, maintain a good diet, and purchase appropriate supplements like Shakeology. They would loose weight, become physically stronger, and overall be much healthier. Many of their diseases would resolve and they would need less medication. They would live longer, healthier lives.
The problem is, however, that the healthy lifestyle takes a lot of physical effort, which the majority of the population is not willing to put forth. For them it is easier to take 30 to 40 pills a day.
I commend everyone on this message board for having the strength of will to go after their health goals. Lets all be good examples to friends and family of what a healthy lifestyle is all about.”