Category Archives: Beachbody Challenge

Daily Success 1/2/2013 – diagnosed with Lyme disease, Kurt change his life…


Three years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and its intense antibiotic regiment zapped ALL my energy. Since just getting out of bed was a huge struggle, exercising was out of the question. As a result, I gained a ton of weight. After a year of being completely exhausted and missing out on living life with my two teenage boys, I took matters into my own hands and joined a Fit Club where I was introduced to my Coach, Power 90® and Shakeology®.

Within the first 2 weeks of doing Power 90 and drinking Shakeology, I lost weight, gained energy, and felt a million times better. Now I eat 5 meals a day and Shakeology is always one of them. And I have to say, I truly believe that delicious shake was key to my increased energy and getting better sleep, which then gave me the oomph to workout.

Turns out, my greatest challenge was in my head and not what my body could or could not physically achieve. At first, I wasn’t sure I could do an “at home program” and stick with it for 90 days. But boy was I wrong! Working out at home was so much better than any gym experience I’ve had in the past. Tony and his team are very motivating. And the online Beachbody community was an essential part of my success.

In 90 days, I lost 18 pounds, a total of 11.5 inches, and dropped two waist sizes (36 to a 32). But my most important achievement has nothing to do with my looks—and everything to do with how I feel. Now I have so much more energy, sleep better, and my overall health has improved greatly. Thanks Beachbody. And my sons thank you, too.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/31/2012 – Tyric thought he was in shape…


I honestly thought I wasn’t that out of shape. I knew I needed to exercise more, but I didn’t realize how badly I felt about myself until I saw my reflection in the mirror. Not pretty. One thing that motivated me to change my life was my upcoming wedding. You know, guys want to look good on that day, too.

But that wasn’t what really got me to commit. I was ridiculously tired all the time and didn’t want to go outside to play with my son. I’d tell him to go play by himself. I had an absentee father growing up, and I had promised myself I’d always be there for my son—and I was breaking that promise.

I’d seen a friend lose about 20lbs doing P90X. He told me all I had to do was pop in the DVD, hit play and just do what they do. I added Insanity and P90X2 to my workout routine. Since I started, I’ve lost 42lbs and went from 28% body fat to just 5%! I went from that tired slob to a lean machine.

The best part about my transformation is that I became a better husband—and a much better father. As a family we’re way more active. My wife has had amazing success as well, and my son is more active and a better athlete because of it all. I now help other people to do what we’ve done as a family, and it’s the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/30/2012 – After losing his parents John knew that he needed to change his life…


Up until a few years ago, I never thought much about health and fitness. As a kid, I ate whatever food was put in front of me and never excelled at any sports. So as time passed, I packed on the pounds and became very lethargic. Even though I was extremely frustrated with my weight and didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, I had no idea what to do about it and eventually lost hope that I’d ever see a real change in myself.

But after losing both of my parents in two years due to health-related issues, I realized that if I didn’t change my ways, I’d be next. So I went on a diet, lost 45 lbs., then hit a plateau. It wasn’t until I started doing Hip Hop Abs®, drinking Shakeology® daily, and sticking to the nutrition plan that the weight started melting away.

So far I’ve lost 68 pounds (from 267 down to 199 lbs.) and a MASSIVE AMOUNT of body fat (from 30% down to 12%). But beyond my impressive stats, when I looked in the mirror, I’m so proud of what I see. And it feels amazing to hear others tell me how great I look. This is the first time since high school that I weigh less than 200 lbs. and words can’t express how proud I am of myself for that accomplishment.

My life has drastically changed since joining my Challenge Group and completing Hip Hop Abs. I feel as if I’m doing my parents proud and that they’re watching over me in my quest to be fit and help others do the same. My confidence has gone through the roof and I’m loving life! And none of this would be possible without Beachbody, MY coach, and everyone’s support. I owe you all my life. Really, I do. Thank you.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/29/2012 – being legally blind didn’t stop Isatel…



I’ve overcome a lot of obstacles in my life. I was born legally blind, but that didn’t stop me from being the first in my family to graduate from college and travel through Europe. Nothing really stopped me, except the extra weight I’ve been carrying. While in a Freedom from Obesity group at my church, I realized Body Gospel and Shakeology could radically simplify my weight loss plan. I’m not trying to be funny here, but thank God for Body Gospel. Honestly, it saved me.

The fact that I could worship God for His goodness and strength while I worked out was just awesome. I loved the music. I loved the daily devotions. It was just a great fit for me. Since I started the journey, I’ve lost 45lbs and no longer shop in the Plus Size store. Yay! Another miracle.

The other thing I discovered that really helped with my overall well-being was Shakeology. I recently found out that I’m gluten intolerant, which made planning my meals pretty difficult. With Shakeology, all I do is prepare my shake the night before and I’m good to go the next morning. I take the bus, so I always take my daily items with me. Not having to lug a bag full of stuff is a bonus. Not to mention that I have a sweet tooth, so the gluten-free chocolate-flavored Shakeology is a total treat.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/28/2012 – The birth of his daughter made Roberto realize how sedentary his life was…



My life was sedentary and I didn’t pay enough attention to exercise. I was always tired, weak, and could not rest well. In short, I had very little discipline with myself.

My daughter’s birth motivated me to change because it made me realize I was not alone anymore. I wondered what would happen if one day she wanted to play with me. I didn’t know what to do, I can’t be so active and I’m always tired! Besides, I had an injury that made me gain a bit more weight. That’s when I decided to take control over my life.

I started the Beachbody Challenge™, and little by little my entire body changed. I lost 61 lbs in one round of INSANITY® and 17 lbs in one of Asylum. My blood pressure is at its best level, the cholesterol, in short, all my body underwent a great change and I lost a total of 80 lbs. Shaun T is the best motivational trainer, thanks to his motivation I have a better shape and a better health to keep telling everybody what INSANITY has done for me.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/27/2012 – Up 65 lbs after an accident, Amy turned around her life…


I was in a horrible car accident in July of 2010 that reduced me from being a very active mom of 3 who was a pilot and a Roller Girl, to someone who could barely move without pain. I needed so many prescriptions and steroid injections just to be able to get up in the morning to attempt to tackle my day. As if the pain wasn’t enough to deal with, I gained 50lbs in just 8 months bringing my weight to 185 lbs.

I had always told my kids “you can do anything”… and now I realized it was time for me to show them. So I got my butt in gear, started drinking Shakeology daily and doing Rockin’ Body,  and as a Girl Scout Leader, I even introduced my girls to Shaun T’s Fit Club.

Shaun T is so motivating and brings so much to his workouts. I jumped full force into Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body — and haven’t looked back.

I still deal with a lot of pain from my accident every day, but my weight loss and improved muscle strength have helped. Plus Shakeology has allowed me to get off most of my meds. I never fell off the schedule or wavered once. I was too happy to risk it.

My life is incredible now. I’m finally able to put the tough times behind me.
I am now down to 120 lbs, less than I originally weighed at the time of my accident. I now know that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, and my kids have seen that too. They’re so proud of me. That’s what means the most to me. I didn’t just change my life. I changed theirs too.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/26/2012 – As a nurse Lana was taking care of other but not herself

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As a nurse, I’m really good at taking care of other people. But I’m not so good a taking care of myself. I think it started back in nursing school when all I did was study. Exercise was low on the list of priorities. The crazy thing is as a nurse you learn how many illnesses can be prevented if you just take care of yourself and exercise.

I didn’t want my husband or kids getting stuck caring for me because I chose to eat junk food and sit on the couch. I know that sometimes things happen in life, but the chances would be way slimmer if I just took control of my own health and made better choices. So I did.

I started with TurboJam and TurboFire. Chalene Johnson is such an inspiration with the things she says and how much fun she makes working out.

I saw other people’s before & after pictures and I knew that I could be one of those people. After a few months, I had definitely lost weight but I didn’t have the muscle tone I wanted. I found myself going back to how much I like Chalene, so I ordered ChaLEAN Extreme®.

All I had to do was get over my own hesitations about lifting weights. I thought it would be totally boring, but boy was I wrong. I have muscles now. And I think that’s awesome. When I look in the mirror now, I see my thighs getting thinner. I see a confidence I never knew before. And I like it. A lot.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/25/2012 – Blake’s triglycerides where almost double what they should be and cholesterol was bad all around.


I’ve never really had a weight problem; instead, due to poor genes, and poor choices, I had a “blood” problem. Even though I’ve always eaten pretty well and worked out regularly, at a Dr.’s visit back in March 2012, I got the grand ol’ news that my triglycerides were almost double what they should be, and my cholesterol numbers were bad in three categories. Naturally, my doctor insisted putting me on medication. But I begged her to give me six months to change things.

So I ate a little better, worked out a little more, and got retested. My results improved, but weren’t good enough. In my last ditch effort to stay off meds, I told my doctor about Beachbody’s Ultimate Reset program and made her a deal: “Give me 21 days on Ultimate Reset, and if the lab tests aren’t exactly where you want them to be, I’ll start popping pills. No questions asked.” Reluctantly, she agreed.

About a month later, my doctor called with my post Ultimate Reset blood work results and was blown away. And I have to say, so was I. My cholesterol dropped 37 points, triglycerides dropped 187 points (which is HUGE!), and I lost almost 11 pounds. All in just 21 days.

I’m so incredibly thankful for the Ultimate Reset. It literally saved me from having to take drugs—something I never, ever, ever want to have to take.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/24/2012 – After two miscarriages Michelle had severe depression



My life before TurboFire was a roller coaster. After I had my daughter, I got pregnant twice and each ended in miscarriage. The worst was going into early labor at 17 weeks and having to say good-bye to my son who passed away after birth.

I went into severe depression and just lost it. I couldn’t do anything. Didn’t want to leave the house. I just ate. I felt like I was worthless. I guess I just turned to food. My health spiraled out of control. I was unhappy and leading a completely unhealthy lifestyle.

My Beachbody Coach, saved me. He was hosting a TurboFire Challenge Group and asked me to join every night. Finally I gave in and said yes.

The program had great music and I used to be a dancer, so I loved the dance. But Chalene made the biggest difference. She is amazing. Whenever I want to quit, she is on my TV yelling, “YOU’RE NOT TIRED!”

When I started the TurboFire Challenge, I weighed 130 lbs.—when day 90 came, I weighed in at 112 lbs.! I even lost 13.5 inches overall. My entire philosophy has changed. I drink Shakeology. I’m more confident. I love the way I look. My energy levels are through the roof. And my husband and I are closer than ever!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Christmas Newsletter and End of the Year Deals!

Seasons Greetings!!

What an exciting time of year.  This is the time of year that I love as we seem to get together with family and friends more often, review what we have done in the past year, build memories and most importantly a time to share with others.

Of course over the past (almost) two years I have had the opportunity to meet, talk and share some fantastic experiences with so many of you.  And I can truly say that you have all changed my life personally.  We have team member that live as far as Dubai (she is at home in Texas for the holidays) and I have other team members that live right next door, but know that where ever you live I feel that you are part of my family and I want you to know that I am here to support you.

I want to give a shout out to two team members that have recently finished Insanity!!

New Years Resolution Deal!

For all Challenge Pack order until the end of the year not only will you get a great program along with Shakeology and free shipping but I will also give you a $25 TeamBeachBody gift card or a Copy of Revabs a $90 value(limited quantity of RevAbs and when they are gone they are gone).  Review the Challenge Packs HERE!!!

You don’t know what a challenge pack is for?  It is for a Challenge group which you can find out more information here: Challenge Group Information


Last June Beachbody changed the formula of the Regular Chocolate Shakeology reducing that amount of sugar and increasing the amount of Fiber.  In doing so they also changed the flavor and while many people did not mind the new flavor there was a good portion of people that did not care for the new taste.  Beachbody sprung into action and put a panel of 2500 customers and coaches together to come out with a flavor that is more appealing.  WELL I am happy to announce that the new flavor is out! If you are already on Shakeology Home Direct and receiving the regular Shakeology then you are set, if you haven’t tried Shakeology before now is your chance to try the most healthy meal of the day!  Remember there is a 30 day money back garentee and if you order it Home Direct the shipping is free and you can still cancel at any time!

See what is in the new Shakeology here.

Get your 30 day Supply with your 30 day garentee here.


Like always feel free to contact me with all your question and have a Happy Holidays!!

Coach G

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