Category Archives: P90X

Has to deal with Tony Horton & BeachBody’s P90X program.

Daily Success 1/19/2013 – In high school and college I was always “the skinny guy.”

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups12-Kurt-P90XIn high school and college I was always “the skinny guy.” After several years with a busy family life and work that was totally sedentary, I found myself pushing 200lbs. About 10 years ago, I bought Power 90 and had the best intentions, but lack of time and, more importantly, lack of motivation kept me from committing.

About 4 years ago, I developed plantar fasciitis (a painful foot condition) and thought biking was my only exercise option. The problem was, I couldn’t seem to lose and keep off the desired weight no matter how hard I tried.

At 47 years old, I thought I was running out of time before the weight gain took over my life for good. I committed to Power 90 and hoped that the weight loss and stretching would reduce the plantar pain. I followed the simplified ladder of foods and the weight just fell off me—and the pain disappeared. I was totally hooked.

I started on P90X and soon became a walking advertisement. People would ask me, “What have you done differently?” The answer, for me, was the commitment I made to doing the program even when I didn’t think I had it in me. I pushed myself and the results were amazing. I’m proud of myself for sticking to it and losing the weight. I’ve had to buy new belts because I ran out of holes, dropped 5 inches in the waist—and I’ve had to take all of my suits in to be tailored. Not a bad problem to have.

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Daily Success 1/16/2013 – It took me 7 years to deal with my father’s death.

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It took me 7 years to deal with my father’s death. He died of a heart attack at 39, which wasn’t all that surprising since he was a big guy in very poor health. Unfortunately, I was taking after him—pushing 285 at just 26 years old. I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. My blood pressure was 155/92, and I was on my way to a pine box when I saw Tony Horton’s P90X infomercial. The problem was I didn’t think I could do P90X, so I went on a diet instead.

I was getting married and lost 30 pounds on a strict low carb diet, but I gained it all back in 3 months. I felt like a loser, until I saw Tony again, entertaining and keeping everyone motivated. I thought to myself I have to at least try—if not for me, for my wife-to-be.

So I got over my mental block and got started. I lost 75 lbs. and I’m proud to say I’ve kept it off. The best thing about P90X for me is that even though I’m ripped, and in awesome shape, when I’m done I’m still dripping in sweat—and I love it. I started this whole process looking to drop weight, but instead I’ve developed a new lifestyle that I’ll carry with me for the rest of what I hope will be a long, long life.

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Daily Success 1/1/2012 – After hiding behind sweaters Mellissa isn’t hiding now!



I’ve always had weight issues. Back in grade six is when I became really self-conscious about it. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I would wear sweaters all year around, no matter how hot it was outside. After having a difficult time in public school, I decided to switch to online home schooling. Food quickly became my best friend.

By the end of high school, I was barely 5ft tall, weighed 210lbs, and wore size 20 jeans. I was severely depressed, embarrassed and fat. I was in a dark place, questioning my life when I heard about P90X. I said, ‘it’s do or die,’ so I forced myself to do it.

I felt this spark I had never felt before. It wasn’t easy, but I knew right away that this was going to save my life. It was a challenge completely out of my comfort zone. At first I could barely get through the warm-up. I would hit pause, stop to catch my breath, and then ask myself if this was really what I wanted to do.

The answer was always YES! So I’d get up, press play and force myself to keep going. I noticed changes very quickly and within a few weeks my ‘fat’ clothes didn’t fit anymore! I felt like I was alive again.

My life has changed drastically since I started P90X. I’ve lost 77 lbs so far. I eat very clean diet- lots of fruits and vegetables, gluten free and no dairy. I also replace one meal a day with Shakeology. For the first time in my life I can finally say that I am truly happy!

Best of all, I can say that I took charge of my life and I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to!

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Daily Success 12/31/2012 – Tyric thought he was in shape…


I honestly thought I wasn’t that out of shape. I knew I needed to exercise more, but I didn’t realize how badly I felt about myself until I saw my reflection in the mirror. Not pretty. One thing that motivated me to change my life was my upcoming wedding. You know, guys want to look good on that day, too.

But that wasn’t what really got me to commit. I was ridiculously tired all the time and didn’t want to go outside to play with my son. I’d tell him to go play by himself. I had an absentee father growing up, and I had promised myself I’d always be there for my son—and I was breaking that promise.

I’d seen a friend lose about 20lbs doing P90X. He told me all I had to do was pop in the DVD, hit play and just do what they do. I added Insanity and P90X2 to my workout routine. Since I started, I’ve lost 42lbs and went from 28% body fat to just 5%! I went from that tired slob to a lean machine.

The best part about my transformation is that I became a better husband—and a much better father. As a family we’re way more active. My wife has had amazing success as well, and my son is more active and a better athlete because of it all. I now help other people to do what we’ve done as a family, and it’s the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had.

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Daily Success 12/23/2012 – Gideon’s weight was out of control!


Yes, I have Type 1 Diabetes. But I never took it seriously. I figured as long as I take my insulin, I could eat whatever I wanted, right? Wrong. I thought I was in good shape—until the day I stepped on the scale and realized my out-of-control eating was putting me in real danger.

That’s when I realized I had to act fast. I knew my friend Jason had gotten awesome results from P90X, so I figured, that was my best hope. I tried P90X at the start of my journey and I was so out-of-shape, it took everything I had to get through the fitness test. So I switched to Power 90. It was tough, but I kept with it.

And that’s when I learned the greatest lesson of my life. In the past, if I slipped just once, I would give up. I’d quit. I was programed to fail. But Tony taught me to set realistic goals and NOT BEAT MYSELF UP.

That inspiration carried me through Power 90 and P90X. I lost 60 lbs., lowered my cholesterol, dropped 8 inches off my waist—and gained control over my diabetes! I’m using 50% less insulin, and I’m determined to keep going!

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Daily Success 12/22/2012 – Tanner was skinny and didn’t know his potential until…


I played sports, but I was always a ‘skinny fat guy,’ so I never really played to my potential. I knew it, but I guess I didn’t really care enough to get serious about getting my act together.

Until I did P90X—and I was hooked. I lost 25 pounds and suddenly I was lighter than I had been in high school. It was awesome. Then, I was ready for more. I ordered P90X2 and it arrived the day my daughter was delivered. I was psyched. I was determined to get into awesome shape, because I always wanted to be the father my daughter would brag about!

Now I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m not afraid to take on any challenge. This summer, I finished 53rd out of 4,000+ in the Spartan Mud run, and next I’m going to run the Tough Mudder, which looks crazy!

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$1000 winners for November

You have seen the daily $500 winners of the BeachBody Challenge but these are the 10 $1000 winners for Novemeber.  These 10 people will be going for the chance to win $100,000 next June!!

What are you waiting for come join me in a challenge group today!

 Challenge Group Information

Daily Success 12/13/2012 – Gregg gained 30 lbs of sympathy weight

“I have always been in pretty good shape, but when my wife got pregnant, I gained 30 pounds in “sympathy” weight. I guess I traded working out for pigging out. And it showed.

Especially after my twin brother (who had always been the heavier one) started doing P90X. So it was my bro who motivated me. When I saw how he was doing, I knew I had to “bring it” to get results.

After my wife gave birth, it was hard to find time to work out, but I kept pressing play. After the first 30 days, I noticed that I had more energy. My face was thinner. And I was keeping up with most of the people in the video!

When I started using Shakeology, my results rocked! Then I bought P90X2 and loved it. I did RevAbs and my back pain went away. But I still had pounds to shed, so I manned up and did INSANITY. It was insane, but so far I’ve lost almost 50 pounds and 6 pant sizes. I weigh under 200 pounds for the first time since high school. My blood pressure has gone down. I don’t need medication for my heartburn.

And I’ve become a Beachbody Coach, helping others get in the best shape of their lives. Beachbody has completely changed my life and now, instead of pigging out, I’m addicted to working out. Thanks Beachbody!”

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Daily Success 12/11/2012

By my second year of college I was 40 pounds overweight, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I knew I needed to make a change so I started eating salad and “working out” by going to the gym— when I had the energy to walk there. Shockingly nothing changed and I continued to feel bad for myself so I soothed my negative feelings with Ben and Jerry’s and macaroni and cheese and gained 15 more pounds.

It took God, my brother and a dress to change my life. I wanted to honor the body God gave me, and I vowed to get healthy. The perfect opportunity came when my brother proposed to his fabulously skinny fiancé! I refused to be the elephant standing next her in the wedding. So with a promise to God, a wedding quickly approaching and a beautiful vintage orange and pink dress hanging in my closet it was time I committed to changing my life.

I was finally mentally ready to make a change and the only question left to answer was How. After joining the Beachbody community and finding my amazingly positive and supportive coach, Katie, I learned TurboFire and P90X were the answer! They helped me transform my life from the inside out. Once I started the programs I began to think positively and believed in myself again. I was finally alive!

After 90 days of P90X, I lost 22 pounds. Before I had the chance to start another program I sadly sprained my ankle but I refused to give up and I continued to eat clean and lost 5 more pounds. AND once my ankle healed, I started TurboFire, and after 12 weeks I lost another 13 pounds. I’ve learned that I can do incredible things if I decide and commit. And in case you were wondering I look awesome in the fabulous orange and pink size 4 petite vintage dress that was waiting for me to finally start caring about myself and my health again! I feel great!

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Team Success Story – Geoff Furr

So I went to the doctors office for my 3 month follow up and had to share some results. Just to let you know my history, when I started my fitness journey I was a type 2 diabetic that was pretty much un-managed even on the highest allowable dose of metformin (an oral medication). Additionally I was on high blood pressure medication. Midway through my first round of P90X I was taken off of both medications because my numbers were normal and in the case of blood sugar was dropping too low on the meds.
Well I’m in the beginning of my second round of X and so far here are the results: 40 Lbs lost …
Shirt size went from 2XL to large and even those are getting too lose! Pants size went from 38 to 34 waist My A1C level dropped from a 7.2 in mid September to a 6.1 today! (If you don’t know an A1C number is a 3 month average of you blood sugar level. Lower numbers are better. My doctor was thrilled at my 7.2 number in mid September because a 7.1 or lower is considered a standard of care to be managed for a diabetic.
Now that I am at a 6.1 I am no longer in the diabetic range, pre diabetic but not diabetic! At the next appointment I expect to be below 5.7 which puts me at completely normal!) My total cholesterol is 135 with an HDL of 84 and an LDL of 39, need to raise that good cholesterol up a bit but continued good eating and Shakeology will help with that. Doc said so will red wine! Sounds like a good plan once I am at my goal weight but not yet ;)
Kidney function, blood counts and everything else is perfect! Doc walked in the room and said “dude you are doing awesome”

Congratz Geoff and keep up the good work!

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