Category Archives: BeachBody

Has to deal with BeachBody.

Daily Success 2/1/2013 – I asked my husband if I could have liposuction


I finally came to the point where I asked my husband if I could have liposuction because I was feeling so disgusted with myself. I was absolutely miserable. I hated to go clothes shopping because I could never find anything in my size. I had no energy. I was depressed. And I was getting bigger every day.

Luckily, my husband ran across an old friend (who is now my BB Coach) who was always posting on Facebook about how much weight she was losing with P90X and Shakeology.

My husband didn’t want me to get liposuction, so he proposed that we get the program and the shake. At first, my greatest challenge was just keeping up. Just doing the warm-up left me gasping for air. But thanks to my husband, and my Coach, I kept with it.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

When I started seeing the pounds melt away, I knew I could do this, so I just continued to Press Play. I went from pausing during the warm-up to getting through the entire workout without stopping!!!

I lost 65 pounds and built muscle, which I never had. I went from never being into fitness to now owning almost every Beachbody workout. I work out every day. I eat healthy. I do Mud Runs. And I can play all-out with my kids. My life has changed so much for the better and now I’m paying it forward by helping others become healthy and fit.

When I started, I was hoping that one day my kids would look at me and be proud. P90X made that happen!

Daily Success 1/30/2013 – one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself


I’ve always been the tall, thin girl, who never had to exercise, or give much thought to what I ate. But then one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself. I had packed on 10 pounds, was bloated beyond belief, and looked exhausted. I felt horrible inside and out, and my confidence was totally shot.

I didn’t know what to do to reverse what I had done until a friend reminded me that I had purchased P90X a few years back, and suggested I give it a try. I’ve always been impressed by the results other people got—so I dug it out, dusted it off, and found my Team Beachbody Coach, Jamie Len Cumbo. I’m so incredibly thankful I did, because Jamie and my Challenge Group helped me turn my life around in just three short months.

It’s really tough going from NEVER working out and eating junk for 21 years, to pushing play EVERY SINGLE DAY and eating healthy! So if it weren’t for Jamie and my Challenge Group, I would have thrown in the towel and quit very early on. The only reason I succeeded was because of the accountability and the inspirational aspect of the group. We’d share tips, recipes, and motivational quotes on a daily basis, which was key to keeping everyone on track.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I’ve never been a major sweets person, but have always been addicted to bad carbs, like breads and pastas. But within the first week of drinking Shakeology, my cravings disappeared, my digestion improved, and my energy level shot up significantly. Looking back, I wish I started drinking url=]Shakeology[/url] on day one, but unfortunately, I didn’t take my first sip until the last month ofP90X. Now I can’t image living without it.

I ended up losing 9 pounds with P90X and Shakeology, and I’m down to my “normal” weight. I went from having 20% body fat to only 14%, and I’ve toned up completely. The body parts I’m most proud of after P90X are my abs. I’ve always been skinny, but I’ve never had abs. Now I do and it feels great! I’ve also regained my confidence and absolutely love life again.

I had such a successful experience that I’m now a Beachbody Coach, on a mission to help others regain their health, bodies, and lives. If I could do it, anyone can.

Daily Success 1/29/2013 – I got into the habit of eating anything and everything


In high school I played offensive line and was expected to be as big as possible, so I got into the habit of eating anything and everything in sight. When my weight crept up to 250 lbs. during my freshman year of college, I felt absolutely awful, but had no idea how to downsize. Then a sports injury cut my athletic dreams, and college days, short. So I moved home to become a firefighter—just like my dad.

But before my First Responder days could begin, I knew I had to lose a ton of weight. I mean, how was I supposed to pull someone out of a burning building when I was too out of shape to get to them in time? With that realization, I vowed to lose weight, get in shape, and not let my poor physical condition be the reason someone didn’t make it out of a fire alive.

I had seen several Beachbody® infomercials on TV and they all promised great things, so I gave a few a try. First I did INSANITY®. Figured I needed something pretty insane to start peeling off those pounds. Then I moved on to P90X®, and just recently completed INSANITY: THE ASYLUM® Vol. 1. I also drank Shakeology®, which gave me a ton of energy and helped me slim down.

Between those three incredible workout programs, Shakeology, and completely revamping my diet, I lost 50 pounds, went from a 40” waist down to 31”, and shredded 20% of my body fat. Now I have as little body fat as an elite athlete, sporting an amazingly low 6%. I can see muscles that I didn’t even know I had. Finally have abs. And am smaller now that I was in 6th grade! Old friends don’t even recognize me anymore because I’ve lost so much weight. And just recently, I visited an aunt whom I hadn’t seen in awhile and she had no idea who I was. WOW. Talk about change.

Now I’m a fit and healthy firefighter. I haven’t had to rescue anyone from a burning building yet, but when that day comes, I know I’m now physically capable of doing it. And there’s no better feeling than that! I’m a completely different person now, and boy does it feel great.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Web Chat with Super Food hunter Darin Olien

Don’t miss tomorrows interview with Darin Olien Co-Creator of Shakeology and the Ultimate Reset.

Watch live here:



Darin Olien founded Darin’s Naturals in 2005 as a means to integrate the numerous concepts related to health, nutrition, and exercise gained while acquiring a BA in Exercise Physiology/Nutrition, an MA in Psychology, and over a decade of experience working in several health-based industries.Since 2005, Darin has traveled the planet on behalf of Darin’s Naturals, discovering new and underutilized herbs, superfood, and medicinal plants.  Darin’s complete immersion in the indigenous cultures found across the globe have helped to expand his knowledge as a formulator and environmental initiator.

In 2006, Darin began working with Beachbody, in Santa Monica, California, to formulate the now popular whole food supplement, Shakeology.

Presently, Darin is working on 15 ground-breaking whole food formulations for Beachbody.  Darin’s Naturals has already successfully sourced over 300 foods and ingredients from around the world and continues to work directly with the indigenous people of Peru, Amazon, Himalayas, Remote China, Costa, Rica, Yucatan, and others.

All of Darin’s international collaborations strongly support fair trade.  His work closely follows the belief that the discovery of new, healthful ingredients should benefit the health of individuals worldwide, while also contributing to the economies of the regions from which these herbs are sourced.
Ultimate Reset


Daily Success 1/28/2013 – I’ve always been the girl with the “pretty face”—not the pretty body



I’ve always been the girl with the “pretty face”—not the pretty body. I wore a women’s size 14 in 7th grade and ballooned up to a size 28 by age 17. To try and lose weight, I’d starve myself all day, only to binge at night. And simple things like walking down the street or carrying groceries left me completely exhausted.

Even though I hated myself and my body, I loved my two young boys and knew that if I didn’t lose weight and get healthy, I wouldn’t be around to watch them grow up. Thankfully, a friend encouraged me to give ChaLEAN Extreme® a try—and since I had nothing to lose but a ton of weight—decided to do just that. Instantly, I started to lose weight and my whole outlook on life began to change. Two months and 16 lbs later, I moved on to TurboFire® and my body transformed beyond my wildest expectations.

I was losing an entire clothing size every 4-6 weeks, and after three rounds of TurboFire, I’m now a healthy size 8. AN EIGHT! I hadn’t worn something that small since 5th grade, a far cry from “small” back then. But my physical transformation didn’t happen solely because I was working out everyday. Much of my success had to do with changing my diet and replacing one meal a day with Shakeology®. Not only does Shakeology taste amazing, it curbs my cravings while giving me peace of mind that I’m fueling my body with proper nutrition. Now I have tons more energy and my digestion has dramatically improved.

Since beginning these Beachbody programs 9 months ago, I’ve lost 90 lbs., went from a 49” waist down to a 32, and dropped from a size 20 to an 8. I feel strong, beautiful, healthy, and most importantly—EMPOWERED! I’m now a Beachbody Coach and a Certified Turbo Kick instructor.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

After 36 years of living in hell, I’m finally loving life. I believe that my life has played out just the way God intended,and despite all the challenges I’ve had to overcome, this was His plan for me. Now, I have the strength, confidence and know-how to help others transform their lives the way my Coach helped me change mine. Thank you Beachbody, and thank you Chalene, for giving me back my life!

Weekly Newsletter 1/27/2013

Our bodies are made up of mostly water but we tend to neglect this most vital ingredient. Why is water so important, what does it help us with, and how much should you be drinking?!?!

Watch me in my explanation of hydration in the latest version of Coach’s Corner

An average man’s body weight is made up of 57% water!! That is a lot of water, and being that we have so much water in our bodies it is important to make sure the we are getting enough.

The lack of water can cause issues from tiredness, constipation, plain old tiredness and many, many more issues.

There are several ways to calculate how much water you should be drinking and one of them is to drink half of your body weight in oz. So if you weight 160 lbs you should be drinking 80 oz.

What about drinking too much water and water intoxication? What intoxication is the dilution of sodium in the body but is usually only seen in infants under six and sometimes athletes when they are sweating a lot. An adult with healthy kidneys can process up to 15 liters of water a day! So as long as you are drinking you water throughout the day and not all at one time you should be fine.

Food can also help or hinder you attempt to stay hydrated fruits and veggies like watermelon, squashes, apples, etc… can help you get the water you need through it is harder to determine how much water you are actually getting for our foods, on the upside many of these foods will provide you with nutrients that you need. On the downside foods with high sodium or diuretics can cause the need for more water and while in the right amounts can help the body function better, in large amounts it will cause the body to start retaining water.

So whither you are staying hydrated from drinking or from eating make sure that you stay hydrated to get the benefits of:

  • Better Body Temperature Regulation
  • Increased Body Lubrication
  • Improved weight maintenance
  • Toxin Removal
  • Physical Efficiency

Before and After Time

My Good friend Carlie B. has changed her life.  The before picture was taken April 1st 2012 and the after was taken January 16th of 2013.  She started at 197 and by working through insanity, Body Beast and running challenge groups she has changed her life and she isn’t done yet at 166 lbs.  When asked what she would tell other her advise is “Get out of your head and push your body!”

If you are ready let’s get you in to a challenge group for that extra support so you can be he showing off you Before and After photos!!  Click here to get started!!

January Challenge!!!

This is your last challenge to be entered for January’s $25 Beachbody Gift Card or a Free Copy of Rockin Body with Insanity’s Shaun T.  If you have given blood in December or January (there is still a few days left), head over to my Facebook page give it a like and post that you have given blood and you entered.

Make sure that you stay tuned for February’s Challenge!  Can anyone say plank?

Challenge Groups

So this is easily the best way to get motivated and stick with a great Beachbody Program.  If you are not in a group and you would like to join us please review the upcoming groups that will soon be taking on new members!  Please email me and check out the Challenge group page for additional information

  • February 4th – All Programs – Women only!!
  • February 11th – P90X – Open to all
  • February 18th – Insanity – Open to all
  • February 25th – Les Mills Combat – Open to all – This is my next program so come join me!

Don’t see the program that you would like to start?  Don’t worry message me I am part of a network of 250+ coaches that are here to support you!!  We will find you a group to join!

Like always please contact me with any questions, concerns or accomplishments that you have!!

Greg Short
Facebook Team Page:
CoachGShort YouTube Channel:


Daily Success 1/27/2013 – I’ve always wanted to be big. And by “big” I mean massive, buff, intimidating


My whole life I’ve been the super skinny kid who was ridiculously strong. But I was tired of being that guy. I’ve always wanted to be big. And by “big” I mean massive, buff, intimidating. Ever since I could remember, my dream was to walk into a gym and OWN IT! Have jaws drop and eyes bulge. I didn’t want guys to think twice about messing with me. So that’s why I did Body Beast®! I wanted to pack on some serious mass and lose that little boy image I’ve been carting around my whole life. And BAM, that’s exactly what I did.

I gained about 5 lbs of lean muscle on P90X, and then 9 more with Body Beast. Gained 5 inches in my chest, and went from 21% body fat down to 9%. Beast pushed me to the max during every workout. There wasn’t a moment where I was bored or said to myself, “I’ve already done this before”—because I hadn’t. Beast showed me new ways to lift weights, and the nutrition guide told me exactly what I needed to eat in order to pack on the pounds.

I also started drinking Shakeology®, which has truly changed my life. Not only does Shakeology give me tons more energy, it has drastically improved my digestion, and just makes me feel healthier overall. Super Suma and Max Creatine are amazing, too, because they helped me push my limits!

Even though I’m the type of guy who does whatever it takes to get things done, my Beachbody Coach, was instrumental in my success. He was incredibly motivating, knowledgeable, and answered my questions on the fly. My Facebook group was very supportive and helped me out a lot.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Now I feel so incredibly strong, healthy, and am ready to take on the world! People do double takes all the time and there couldn’t be a better feeling in the world than that. When asked how I did it, I tell them I UNLEASHED THE BEAST! Best of all, I’ve had to buy new shirts since my old stuff doesn’t come close to fitting anymore. XL shirts now fit me really well and my wife says she’s very happy with my results! Like they say: Happy wife, happy life. I can’t say enough about Body Beast other than IT ROCKS HARD CORE!

Daily Success 1/26/2013 – At the ripe young age of 40, I was killing myself with destructive habits.



At the ripe young age of 40, I was killing myself with destructive habits. My life consisted of working, eating, going to happy hour, eating more, drinking more, watching TV, eating even more, going to sleep—then repeat. And even though I tried losing weight with Weight Watchers and Herbalife, the results never stuck. Eventually, I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror because I was so disgusted with who I’d become. So when my doctor told me that if I didn’t change I wouldn’t see my 45th birthday—sadly, I hoped she was right.

Deep down inside I knew that there had to be more to life. So I asked God to forgive me for abusing my body and prayed for help. When I say, “Thank God for Beachbody®!” I mean it literally. I prayed, He answered. And He put not one, but THREE Beachbody programs, and Shakeology®, into my life.

First I did P90X®. My goal was to get strong enough to do a pull-up and REAL push-ups (not the “girl” kind). P90X was tough, but apparently, so was I. Then I moved on to Chalean Extreme® because I wanted to continue toning up while sculpting killer arms (which I did). My 3rd program was LES MILLS PUMP® which pumped up my flat-as-a-pancake calves and lifted my butt. When I started drinking Shakeology, my blood pressure and weight started to drop, and my hair and nails began growing like wildfire.

But even though I eventually had great success, the first 7 months were incredibly tough. I was only losing about 2 lbs. per month and was frustrated at how slowly my body was responding. Almost daily I wanted to call it quits, but right when I was about to walk away, Tony, Chalene, or Shaun T. would say something that kept me going. And then there was my wonderful Facebook group who encouraged me daily to push harder and not give up before “the miracle happens”.

It took a full year, but “the miracle” did happen. I dropped 5 clothing sizes and lost 50 pounds. I’m off my high-blood pressure meds and anti-depressants. And I finally love my body, and myself. Now I’m paying it forward as a Beachbody Coach, helping others achieve success.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/25/2013 – I wanted to be able to get down on the floor and play with my grandkids


I was tired of shopping in the Women’s Plus Size department, being completely out of breath from walking up just one flight of stairs, and shuffling through life with stiff knees and joints. I wanted to be able to get down on the floor and play with my grandkids without needing help standing back up. I wanted to feel good about myself when wearing shorts or a swimsuit. And I really, really, really wanted to get off those high blood pressure meds that I’d been taking for the past 25 years. So I turned to my husband for help.

Being the fabulous Beachbody Coach that he is, he suggested I give Body Gospel a try—and thank God I did. Body Gospel was the perfect program for me. It was low-impact (which I absolutely needed), fun, spiritual, and uplifting. And since I’m a Christian and find my strength through the Lord, the praise and worship music was key to keeping me focused and motivated.

So far, I’ve lost 38 lbs., went from a size 18 to a 12, have ridiculous amounts of energy, and feel absolutely amazing! I’ve also ditched my two old blood pressure meds and have since switched to a very low dose. Friends constantly compliment me on my weight loss, and I recently had someone ask if I had gastric bypass surgery. Nope, I did it the right way—through diet and exercise.

Not only have I been blessed with an amazing husband whose support and encouragement has gotten me to where I am today, I’m also very thankful for my Facebook group, Stayfit, who helped keep me going when the times got tough. Without all this support, there’s no way I would have been this successful. My heart goes out to everyone. You all saved my life.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups