Category Archives: BeachBody

Has to deal with BeachBody.

Thursday Workout Review – Body Beast Build Chest and Tris

Review Beach Body’s Body Beast Build Chest and Tris.  Like bulk wasn’t hard enough in Build Chest and Tris, Sagi puts you through the ringer and really gets your body building.  6 set and 49 minutes of pushing, pulling and extending is going to get your muscles growing!!  Three days later and I am now just getting completely over the soreness.  Follow the Beast, Train like the Beast, become a beast!!

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Daily Success 1/24/2013 – I was still embarrassed about my body.



Since March 2012, I’ve completed P90X®, INSANITY®, and Les Mill Pump® and ended up dropping 45 pounds. But at 5’ 8” and 205 lbs., I was still embarrassed about my body. Still had love handles. And still had too much butt—especially for a guy. I had the workouts down, but they weren’t giving me the results I wanted. So I looked at my diet and realized that this meat and potatoes guy needed an overhaul in the inside. That’s when I turned to the Ultimate Reset® for help.

Got to admit, at first I was very fearful to give up meat, dairy, coffee, and caffeine. I was a carnivore and loved my morning jolt of Joe. But I owed it to myself, and to my family, to change. And change I did.

In 21 days on The Ultimate Reset, I lost 10 more pounds, significantly lowered my cholesterol and unhealthy LDL, and eliminated all caffeine and junk food from my diet. I’m now sporting a 32” waist and have more energy than ever. Now I can physically do things that I haven’t been able to do in decades—simple things like run and play with my kids without immediately getting winded. And I see muscle definition where it’s never been before.

And I owe my success to my wonderful Coach, and to my incredibly supportive Challenge Group. Without them, there’s no way I could have finished this program or be where I am today. Heather cheered me on from day 1 and constantly encouraged me to do more, get healthier, and push through. And because of her. My Challenge Group was great because they were encouraging while holding me accountable. And of course, Shakeology gets some credit, too. That delicious little shake was key to my weight loss by helping reduce my junk food cravings.

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So besides being healthier than I’ve ever been, one of the greatest rewards from doing the Ultimate Reset is that now my family and friends are asking ME about health and fitness, and are taking steps to change their lives, too. What a difference 21 days can make. Thanks Beachbody—you changed me for the better.

Daily Success 1/23/2013 – Now I’m 15 pounds lighter, and a million times happier and healthier.


After losing our family business and facing bankruptcy back in July of 2011, I was both a physical and an emotional wreck. My life was spiraling out of control and “comfort food” was my crutch. My middle was growing bigger and bigger, which made me more and more depressed. Then one day, I had enough and ordered P90X2®. Unfortunately, my husband and I were both so far out of shape that we couldn’t do it, so we gave LES MILLS PUMP® a shot—and thank goodness we did.

PUMP was so much fun that we forgot we were working out. Not only were we both quickly losing a ton of weight, I was building muscle, lifting more weight than I ever thought possible, and could finally do push-ups again! I was so happy with my results that everyday I was tempted to climb out onto my rooftop and shout: “Workouts don’t have to be hard or horrible!”

And then there was Shakeology®, which played a huge role in my transformation as well. After just one sip, I was hooked. Not only does Shakeology taste amazing, it helped improve my digestion, lower my cholesterol, and gave me incredible amounts of energy. I’m so full of life from this amazing shake that I can’t imagine going through one day without it.

Now I’m 15 pounds lighter, and a million times happier and healthier. I look nothing like I used to and feel like a completely different person. Exercise triggered a part of my brain that changed my mood and gave me an incredibly positive outlook on life. I’m finally back in control and it feels great. Thanks!

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Daily Success 1/20/2013 “I’ve always been a runner, but pregnancy really took a toll on my body. I still had 20 lbs. to lose”

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups13-Amy-Insanity“I’ve always been a runner, but pregnancy really took a toll on my body. I still had 20 lbs. to lose and this time, running wasn’t cutting it. The extra weight gave my confidence and self-esteem a nose dive.

So I needed to get fit fast—and after I saw an Insanity infomercial, I knew I had found my answer. Being a new mama, I LOVED that I could do the program in the privacy of my own home while my son napped. I LOVED that I could fit in an intense workout in less than an hour.

And I LOVE the fact that I now have a six pack. Shaun T was awesome. I could go on and on about how much I love Insanity. But even though I lost 20 lbs. and developed great muscle definition, my proudest achievement is the MENTAL TOUGHNESS that I gained.

Now I know that I can do absolutely anything I put my mind to. When I wanted to quit… when I would say to myself, ‘I can’t do this’—I would hear Shaun T telling me to ‘dig deeper’—and I would.

When I had my baby, I lost track of being the best me, but completing Insanity, and becoming a Coach, I feel that I am now the BEST version of myself that I could be! ”

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Daily Success 1/19/2013 – In high school and college I was always “the skinny guy.”

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups12-Kurt-P90XIn high school and college I was always “the skinny guy.” After several years with a busy family life and work that was totally sedentary, I found myself pushing 200lbs. About 10 years ago, I bought Power 90 and had the best intentions, but lack of time and, more importantly, lack of motivation kept me from committing.

About 4 years ago, I developed plantar fasciitis (a painful foot condition) and thought biking was my only exercise option. The problem was, I couldn’t seem to lose and keep off the desired weight no matter how hard I tried.

At 47 years old, I thought I was running out of time before the weight gain took over my life for good. I committed to Power 90 and hoped that the weight loss and stretching would reduce the plantar pain. I followed the simplified ladder of foods and the weight just fell off me—and the pain disappeared. I was totally hooked.

I started on P90X and soon became a walking advertisement. People would ask me, “What have you done differently?” The answer, for me, was the commitment I made to doing the program even when I didn’t think I had it in me. I pushed myself and the results were amazing. I’m proud of myself for sticking to it and losing the weight. I’ve had to buy new belts because I ran out of holes, dropped 5 inches in the waist—and I’ve had to take all of my suits in to be tailored. Not a bad problem to have.

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Daily Success 1/18/2013 – Even though I’ve struggled with chronic pain


Even though I’ve struggled with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders from a car accident 10 years ago, I loved doing TurboFire. Then, when I injured my knee doing something else, my worst thought was, ‘I’m not going to get back to TurboFire for a year!’

It took a month and a half before I could even walk around. Add the pain from my neck and shoulders and I finally said, ‘enough is enough’ and started looking for an answer. I saw some people talking about how Tai Cheng had strengthened their knee so they could get back to doing what they loved.

So I began Tai Cheng with pain in my shoulders, neck and knee. At first, it took all I had to keep up as I struggled with pain in my shoulders holding myself up in plank position. But within a month, I began noticing how my knee was beginning to heal faster and how my body felt so stress-free after the workouts.

Today, my shoulder pain is gone. My neck pain is gone. I can plank pain free and keep up with Dr. Cheng. What I like most about Tai Cheng is that it centered me, strengthened me, and kept me aware of my body and how I can align it better. It’s such a powerful feeling.

But the best thing Tai Cheng gave me is my knee is back to being 100%! I can even do jumps. It is such a blessing. I can’t thank Dr. Cheng and Beachbody enough for giving me back full use of my knee!

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Daily Success 1/17/2013 – I was fat and miserable, too ashamed to look at myself…

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I was fat and miserable, too ashamed to look at myself in the mirror, too heavy to keep up with my kids. Because of a war injury—I broke my back serving in Iraq—and the weight I had put on, I could barely walk.

So I was spending more and more time in my wheelchair. And I was miserable.

Until I saw the Brazil Butt Lift infomercial—that’s when I said, ‘that’s how I want to look.’ Because of my spinal issues and the nerve damage, I had to start out slowly. At first it was one video every 2 weeks, then every week, and finally, after six months, I had the strength to tackle the 60-day program!

Losing the weight took the stress off my back and relieved the pain. So I don’t need my wheelchair anymore. I can walk, ‘hands-free’—something my Physical Therapist thought I’d ever do. I also feel like Brazil Butt Lift helped me with my brain injury, by forcing me to think at a faster tempo. I can’t say enough about Brazil Butt Lift and Tanya, my Coach, who pushed me along my journey.

Today, I can run and walk and even dance—thanks Leandro. But what I love most is when my kids look at me and say ‘if mom can do it, anyone can’!

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Daily Success 1/16/2013 – It took me 7 years to deal with my father’s death.

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It took me 7 years to deal with my father’s death. He died of a heart attack at 39, which wasn’t all that surprising since he was a big guy in very poor health. Unfortunately, I was taking after him—pushing 285 at just 26 years old. I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. My blood pressure was 155/92, and I was on my way to a pine box when I saw Tony Horton’s P90X infomercial. The problem was I didn’t think I could do P90X, so I went on a diet instead.

I was getting married and lost 30 pounds on a strict low carb diet, but I gained it all back in 3 months. I felt like a loser, until I saw Tony again, entertaining and keeping everyone motivated. I thought to myself I have to at least try—if not for me, for my wife-to-be.

So I got over my mental block and got started. I lost 75 lbs. and I’m proud to say I’ve kept it off. The best thing about P90X for me is that even though I’m ripped, and in awesome shape, when I’m done I’m still dripping in sweat—and I love it. I started this whole process looking to drop weight, but instead I’ve developed a new lifestyle that I’ll carry with me for the rest of what I hope will be a long, long life.

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Daily Success 1/15/2013 – For years I’d been popping pills…

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups8-Keresha-ShakeologyFor years I’d been popping pills to deal with my arthritis, diverticulosis, coronary artery disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease—and I was only 46. Add to that a diet of junk food and Diet Mountain Dew, and I was playing Russian roulette with my life. I needed to stop, but didn’t know how.

When it came to getting fit, I had as many “I Can’ts” as I had medical issues. But after reading a few “success stories”—just like this one, I got a Coach and he recommended Power 90. I forced the issue by posting my “before” pictures on Facebook for all my friends and family to see. Talk about fully committing. There was no way to back out now. It didn’t matter how old and tired I felt, I couldn’t allow myself to fail in front of the people I love.

Then I addressed my diet. It took me two weeks to wean myself off of Diet Mt. Dew, but I did with the help of Shakeology. Shakeology was amazing, I suddenly had energy and didn’t crave the caffeine at all. Next, I replaced the junk with much healthier foods and I began to feel better almost instantly.

I lost 26 inches and over 10% of my body fat. I can do push-ups and jumping jacks and moves I never thought I could. I feel amazing! The best part of all, I’m not taking any more medication. I have no arthritis pain, no heartburn and absolutely no symptoms from diverticulosis. At 46, I feel better than I did at 36. You just can’t beat that!

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