Category Archives: BeachBody

Has to deal with BeachBody.

Daily Success 1/6/2013 – I was very active and felt pretty healthy


Before doing the Ultimate Reset® I was very active and felt pretty healthy. But over the years I’ve pushed myself hard and my body was in a constant state of fatigue and prone to injury. And as hard as it was NOT to exercise for 21 days on the Ultimate Reset, I knew I needed to give my ailing body a rest while learning how to be more disciplined with my diet. Plus, I truly believed that somewhere deep inside my body, toxins from my long forgotten past with alcohol and poor food choices were lodged.

So it was the Ultimate Reset to the rescue—and rescue me it did!

It challenged me mentally in ways that I never thought was possible, and it taught me how to cook delicious and healthy meals that not only fueled my body, but cleansed it as well. And while the Ultimate Reset was tough (sometimes mentally tougher than an Insanity or P90X workout) the results were well worth it!

Twenty-one days later, I’ve slimed down quite a bit and have been getting the best workout results I’ve ever had. My energy levels are up, my abs are more defined, my skin looks healthier, and I sleep so much better. And while I’m proud of all of these achievements, most of all, I’m proud of the diet discipline I’ve gained as a result of this program.

I definitely haven’t mastered my diet goals yet, but I’m a heck of a lot closer to being there because of the Reset.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/5/2013 – At 21, my life was going downhill fast.


At 21, my life was going downhill fast. I went from playing on a national volleyball team for 5 years, to occasionally running on a treadmill. I was in college, giving 100% to my studies, so I had no time for exercise. I was out of shape, gaining weight, and had no time to work out, no time for myself at all. And that was taking a huge toll on my emotional health. I was mean to my family. I was mean to my friends, and I nearly drove away the man of my dreams. Not good.

The truth was, I hated who I had become—and I was sinking fast.

I had worked so hard through school that I had never taken the time to get to know myself—and realize that I should be in control of my own future and my own happiness.

Thankfully, Beachbody showed me that if I commit and believe 110%, I could make anything happen.

I chose Brazil Butt Lift to transform my body—and transform it did. I lost inches off my hips and butt, and most of all, my abductors. I can’t believe the difference in my inner and outer thighs.

Since completing Brazil Butt Lift, my life has changed in so many ways. I am so blown away by the mindset that Beachbody has created for me that I have a lot more faith in everything—and that makes me happy.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/3/2013 – After adopting a child the weight started to pile on


My husband and I wanted a baby more than anything. We tried and tried, but after six years of infertility and the heartbreak of a miscarriage, depression kicked in. And the eating took over.

The more weight I gained, the more depressed I got. When we adopted, I stayed home with our baby and continued to eat. I just assumed that this was the way my life was always going to be. Until the night my husband and I were supposed to go out—and even my FAT jeans didn’t fit.

So the next day, I started my journey. I was sick of what I’d become and I realized that I wanted to be there for my son. So I chose TurboFire as my program—and the results were AWESOME! It seemed like the more inches I lost, the more I wanted to push myself harder.

After TurboFire, I completed one round of Insanity, then a round of Les Mills Pump. And I can’t quit. Shakeology is HUGE. It gives me energy and I LOVE that I am drinking a shake that is SO good for me. Being in a Challenge Group helped keep me motivated and having people give me tips and share their down moments helped me see that I am not alone.

So far I’ve lost 80 lbs., I’ve run two 5K races, an 8K, and a half marathon. I feel great. I look great. I feel so much stronger as a woman, wife and mother. My posture has improved, too. I think that goes with holding my head a little higher knowing I have completed these workout programs!
Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/2/2013 – diagnosed with Lyme disease, Kurt change his life…


Three years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and its intense antibiotic regiment zapped ALL my energy. Since just getting out of bed was a huge struggle, exercising was out of the question. As a result, I gained a ton of weight. After a year of being completely exhausted and missing out on living life with my two teenage boys, I took matters into my own hands and joined a Fit Club where I was introduced to my Coach, Power 90® and Shakeology®.

Within the first 2 weeks of doing Power 90 and drinking Shakeology, I lost weight, gained energy, and felt a million times better. Now I eat 5 meals a day and Shakeology is always one of them. And I have to say, I truly believe that delicious shake was key to my increased energy and getting better sleep, which then gave me the oomph to workout.

Turns out, my greatest challenge was in my head and not what my body could or could not physically achieve. At first, I wasn’t sure I could do an “at home program” and stick with it for 90 days. But boy was I wrong! Working out at home was so much better than any gym experience I’ve had in the past. Tony and his team are very motivating. And the online Beachbody community was an essential part of my success.

In 90 days, I lost 18 pounds, a total of 11.5 inches, and dropped two waist sizes (36 to a 32). But my most important achievement has nothing to do with my looks—and everything to do with how I feel. Now I have so much more energy, sleep better, and my overall health has improved greatly. Thanks Beachbody. And my sons thank you, too.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/1/2012 – After hiding behind sweaters Mellissa isn’t hiding now!



I’ve always had weight issues. Back in grade six is when I became really self-conscious about it. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I would wear sweaters all year around, no matter how hot it was outside. After having a difficult time in public school, I decided to switch to online home schooling. Food quickly became my best friend.

By the end of high school, I was barely 5ft tall, weighed 210lbs, and wore size 20 jeans. I was severely depressed, embarrassed and fat. I was in a dark place, questioning my life when I heard about P90X. I said, ‘it’s do or die,’ so I forced myself to do it.

I felt this spark I had never felt before. It wasn’t easy, but I knew right away that this was going to save my life. It was a challenge completely out of my comfort zone. At first I could barely get through the warm-up. I would hit pause, stop to catch my breath, and then ask myself if this was really what I wanted to do.

The answer was always YES! So I’d get up, press play and force myself to keep going. I noticed changes very quickly and within a few weeks my ‘fat’ clothes didn’t fit anymore! I felt like I was alive again.

My life has changed drastically since I started P90X. I’ve lost 77 lbs so far. I eat very clean diet- lots of fruits and vegetables, gluten free and no dairy. I also replace one meal a day with Shakeology. For the first time in my life I can finally say that I am truly happy!

Best of all, I can say that I took charge of my life and I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/31/2012 – Tyric thought he was in shape…


I honestly thought I wasn’t that out of shape. I knew I needed to exercise more, but I didn’t realize how badly I felt about myself until I saw my reflection in the mirror. Not pretty. One thing that motivated me to change my life was my upcoming wedding. You know, guys want to look good on that day, too.

But that wasn’t what really got me to commit. I was ridiculously tired all the time and didn’t want to go outside to play with my son. I’d tell him to go play by himself. I had an absentee father growing up, and I had promised myself I’d always be there for my son—and I was breaking that promise.

I’d seen a friend lose about 20lbs doing P90X. He told me all I had to do was pop in the DVD, hit play and just do what they do. I added Insanity and P90X2 to my workout routine. Since I started, I’ve lost 42lbs and went from 28% body fat to just 5%! I went from that tired slob to a lean machine.

The best part about my transformation is that I became a better husband—and a much better father. As a family we’re way more active. My wife has had amazing success as well, and my son is more active and a better athlete because of it all. I now help other people to do what we’ve done as a family, and it’s the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/30/2012 – After losing his parents John knew that he needed to change his life…


Up until a few years ago, I never thought much about health and fitness. As a kid, I ate whatever food was put in front of me and never excelled at any sports. So as time passed, I packed on the pounds and became very lethargic. Even though I was extremely frustrated with my weight and didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, I had no idea what to do about it and eventually lost hope that I’d ever see a real change in myself.

But after losing both of my parents in two years due to health-related issues, I realized that if I didn’t change my ways, I’d be next. So I went on a diet, lost 45 lbs., then hit a plateau. It wasn’t until I started doing Hip Hop Abs®, drinking Shakeology® daily, and sticking to the nutrition plan that the weight started melting away.

So far I’ve lost 68 pounds (from 267 down to 199 lbs.) and a MASSIVE AMOUNT of body fat (from 30% down to 12%). But beyond my impressive stats, when I looked in the mirror, I’m so proud of what I see. And it feels amazing to hear others tell me how great I look. This is the first time since high school that I weigh less than 200 lbs. and words can’t express how proud I am of myself for that accomplishment.

My life has drastically changed since joining my Challenge Group and completing Hip Hop Abs. I feel as if I’m doing my parents proud and that they’re watching over me in my quest to be fit and help others do the same. My confidence has gone through the roof and I’m loving life! And none of this would be possible without Beachbody, MY coach, and everyone’s support. I owe you all my life. Really, I do. Thank you.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/29/2012 – being legally blind didn’t stop Isatel…



I’ve overcome a lot of obstacles in my life. I was born legally blind, but that didn’t stop me from being the first in my family to graduate from college and travel through Europe. Nothing really stopped me, except the extra weight I’ve been carrying. While in a Freedom from Obesity group at my church, I realized Body Gospel and Shakeology could radically simplify my weight loss plan. I’m not trying to be funny here, but thank God for Body Gospel. Honestly, it saved me.

The fact that I could worship God for His goodness and strength while I worked out was just awesome. I loved the music. I loved the daily devotions. It was just a great fit for me. Since I started the journey, I’ve lost 45lbs and no longer shop in the Plus Size store. Yay! Another miracle.

The other thing I discovered that really helped with my overall well-being was Shakeology. I recently found out that I’m gluten intolerant, which made planning my meals pretty difficult. With Shakeology, all I do is prepare my shake the night before and I’m good to go the next morning. I take the bus, so I always take my daily items with me. Not having to lug a bag full of stuff is a bonus. Not to mention that I have a sweet tooth, so the gluten-free chocolate-flavored Shakeology is a total treat.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups