Category Archives: BeachBody

Has to deal with BeachBody.

Daily Success 4/20/2013 – I abusing my body, for the past 20 years, I allowed others to abuse me as well.

Standing at only 5 feet 5 inches tall, and weighing 223 pounds takes a lot of work. But unfortunately, it was a lot of destructive work. I ate whatever was in front of me (which was almost always junk), smoked a pack a day, and had a non-functioning thyroid. I became a self-employed photographer who tethered myself to home, grocery shopped at 2 a.m. to ensure I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew, removed all the mirrors in my place and would dodge my reflection in windows like a stalker was on my trail. So not only was I abusing my body, for the past 20 years, I allowed others to abuse me as well. I was in one abusive relationship after the other.
Emotionally paralyzed and disgusted with my body, I truly believed I had missed my chance at a healthy life. Night after night, I’d wake at 4 a.m. to the flickering of the TV filled with healthy and happy people working out and talking about transforming their lives. I’d watch with envy, wishing I was one of them. Then a friend posted on Facebook that she was recruiting people to join her Beachbody Challenge Group and said: “Healthy People Attract Healthy Relationships.” Not only did I want to be healthy, more than anything I wanted a finally have a healthy relationship. So I signed up—determined to lose weight and change my life.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Turbo Jam was hard, and at first I could barely do any of the moves. But Chalene kept saying, “JUST KEEP MOVING, it’s ok”—it was as if she saw me struggling and encouraged me at the exact moment I wanted to quit. When the videos were over I’d pull out the cards and practice the moves very slowly. Chalene stressed it was more about technique than how high you kick, so I kept moving, and kept trying. On the days I didn’t do the videos, I’d walk, bike, kayak, or just dance around my house. The more I moved the quicker the fat melted away.

Over the past year, I’ve quit smoking and ditched the junk. My skin glows, I have tons of energy, my knees and back no longerhurt, and I can even cross my legs like a girl. So far, I’ve lost 55 lbs., 6.5 inches off my hips, 8 inches from my waist, and another 2 inches from each arm and calf. When I look in the mirror, I can’t believe it’s me!

Not only did Turbo Jam change my outer shell, but it broke me free of my inner shell and has given me the courage to take control of my life. I’m no longer in a dysfunctional relationship and now only surround myself with positive, happy, and healthy people. It’s crazy how things work, but once I made the conscience effort to try my hardest and believe in myself, everything just fell into place. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I know that whatever comes my way, I’ll be able to handle it. I’m so proud of all my achievements and truly believe that I can do ANYTHING I want. Thanks Beachbody, you saved my life.

Daily Success 4/19/2013 – Gaining weight and putting on muscle was never easy for me.

Hey, most people here are trying to lose weight, but I had the opposite problem. I was always the skinny guy—gaining weight and putting on muscle was never easy for me. I was big into running, but hitting the gym was another story—it never really worked because I’d take breaks and talk to my buddies.
So when I cracked my kneecap, I wasn’t allowed to run. But I could lift weights. And since I’m a Beachbody Coach, I knew this was the perfect time to Beast Up with Body Beast. When I read “the Book of Beast,” I knew I had my work cut out for me—including taking in a ton of calories.

I’m an INSANITY and Asylum grad, so I knew the program would be hard. And I knew it would work, so along with two buddies, I got going…and loved it. The dynamic and super sets were fantastic. Body Beast is exactly what a weight lifting program should be. All the lifting I had done in the past was wrong.

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How do I know? I was shocked at my before and after pictures. I put on 7 lbs. of muscle. Added an inch of muscle to my arms, and 5 inches to my chest. I had shoulder muscle and back muscle definition for the first time in my life.

Thanks to Body Beast, I have proven to myself that with hard work and dedication, I can put on muscle. I am so proud of my new body. And I’m more confident than ever. I’ve found a new dedication to fitness. Now that I’ve “Beasted Up,” none of my buddies have the guts to call me “the skinny kid” any more. Next, I’m going after a six-pack!

Daily Success 4/18/2013 – I hated the fact that I couldn’t leave the house because I had nothing that fit

I really didn’t have a life before my weight loss. But thanks to Chalene Johnson, my Coach, and Turbo Fire®, my life has done a complete 360!

I had tried so many times to lose weight and get healthy, but there I was—I hated the way I looked in the mirror, hated the fact that I couldn’t leave the house because I had nothing that fit. And hated the fact that I didn’t have the energy or the endurance to play with my kids. I felt so guilty—I knew I should be a better Mom.

But the final straw came when my doctor put me on cholesterol meds and I was rushed to the hospital with an allergic reaction to the cholesterol medicine. That was it. I was done. Then I came across Turbo Fire and my life changed for good.

I felt as if I was actually in the class and Chalene had really saved the best seat for me. When she said, “You’re not tired,” I believed her and kept pushing. When I had the chance to work out with her live, I drove 15 hours to meet her and felt like Chalene had been a friend for life. Her personality and enthusiasm were awesome—exactly what I needed for that extra PUSH!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I lost 49 pounds with Turbo Fire in just 90 DAYS!!! My transformation was amazing and it changed my life forever. I loved that I was trading fat for muscle as I went from a size 14 to a size 3. I can and DO play with my kids—and I’m proud that they even work out with me.

But I am just as proud of the fact that I have lived two of my biggest dreams—I have become a Diamond Beachbody Coach and a Turbo Kick Instructor, using my passion and my journey to help and inspire others to achieve their goals as well.

Before, I used to look for a “magic pill” or a “Body in a Bottle.” But I’ll never forget the day my Beachbody Coach, told me that I already had the only tool I ever needed—just commit and through Fitness + Nutrition + Support, I had all I needed to succeed. Now I know just how right she is.

Daily Success 4/17/2013 – I was disgusted with myself, and had been my whole life

Before losing 92 lbs. with P90X, INSANITY, and Asylum Vol 1, I was disgusted with myself, and had been my whole life. I can’t even recall the number of times I tried losing weight, but nothing ever worked—I was still the fat kid. Failing to achieve my goals would depress the heck out of me and I’d fall back into my bad habits, and there were many. Sadly, it took getting a DUI at 22 for me hit rock bottom and finally decide that enough was enough! I was tired of being fat. I was tired of being depressed. And I was tired of being unhealthy.
To lose all that weight, I spent 9 months busting my butt doing 2 rounds of P90X, and one each of INSANITY and Asylum—which is by far my favorite workout because it tested my body in ways I never imagined! More than anything, I love Shaun T.’s intensity and how he pushes you during workouts. It feels like you are in the same room with him so you give it your all. Specifically, I love the sports drills and the use of the agility ladder, weights, and jump rope. It substantially stepped up my performance and trained me like an athlete. But there were tough days too, and that’s why I’m so thankful for my Challenge Group, Team RockStarFit, and for my wonderful coach, Angie K. She answered all my questions while continually inspiring me to push harder—I couldn’t have done it without her and can’t thank her enough!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I also want to give the same shout out to Trina G. and Nickie C. because they too inspired me on all cylinders and kept me motivated in pursuing my journey and guiding me in the right direction with Team Beachbody. I feel like I was truly meant to find them and Team Beachbody and am truly committed to succeeding and being that person who lifts people up and changes their lives. Thanks guys for all of your help and changing my life!

During my weight loss and muscle building journey, I actually fell in love with eating healthy and now look at food as a lifestyle, not a diet. I also just started drinking Shakeology, which has helped me so much with my results. I love the fact that I’m giving my body everything it needs and deserves.

And while I’m extremely proud of my physical transformation, I never imagined it would alter my mind the way it has. My mentality is through the roof and I truly believe I can accomplish ANYTHING in life. Plus, it’s no longer a drag going to the doctor. Not only have I impressed myself, but my dr. just told me that I’m one of his healthiest and fittest patients, and he can’t believe how much I’ve changed in less than a year. Heck, I can’t believe how much I’ve changed. But if I did it, anyone can—first you believe, then you achieve.

Now I’m a Beachbody Coach and have dedicated my life to inspiring others to change their lives, reach their goals, and accomplish their dreams before they hit rock bottom like I did. I owe Beachbody everything for giving me my life back and making me who I’ve always wanted to be. Next up: INSANITY The Asylum Volume 2.

Daily Success 4/16/2013 – As a nursing student with two jobs, I felt like fast food was the only thing I had time for

When I started doing a TurboKick class, two awesome things happened. I found out that I loved TurboKick, and my instructor—and Team Beachbody Coach—introduced me to Shakeology when she gave me a packet to try. I loved it so much, I went onto her site and ordered a 30-day supply immediately.

That was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

Before Shakeology, I’d TRY to eat healthier, but I always ended up eating a few large meals a day and never really sticking to a diet plan. As a nursing student with two jobs, I felt like fast food was the only thing I had time for. But Shakeology completely changed my mindset. I drank Shakeology when I came home late from work and class and I instantly started dropping weight.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Within the first month, I lost 8 lbs., and now, after a year, I am down 50 lbs. and I weigh less than I did in high school!

Even better, Shakeology totally changed my mindset about my relationship with food. Over the years, I experimented with different “fad” diets, diet pills, Slimfast—you name it—to try to lose the weight I HATED. But with Shakeology, I no longer need to worry about what to do for a meal when I am short on time. It’s the “fast food” that nourishes and feeds my body with the best ingredients and even curbs my sweet tooth.

I can say that 100% that Shakeology changed my life for the better.

And I am proud to say how much I love it!

Daily Success 4/18/2013 – I was diagnosed with prostate cancer—then things just got worse

Before I began my health and fitness journey a year and a half ago, I was in ridiculously bad shape, and had been for quite some time. Eight years ago, at 42, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer—then things just got worse. By the time I was 47, my 5’ 9” frame was struggling to lug around 223 lbs., I was on high cholesterol meds and a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, had chronic knee problems, and was ALWAYS exhausted. All I’d do was work, eat, nap, watch TV, and sleep—day, after day, after day. But that hadn’t always been my life.
I used to be a personal trainer for a national health club chain for 2 years, and even served in the U.S. Marine Corps, graduating with honors from Boot Camp. But as the years passed, I indulged in all things unhealthy, and got fat and lazy. Then I watched a Marine buddy of mine on Facebook drop weight with P90X and thought that maybe, just maybe, Beachbody had a program that would fit into my busy schedule, and sure enough they did—it’s called 10 Minute Trainer, and it completely changed my life.

In the beginning, my workouts were only 10 minutes. But I worked my way up to doing 20-minute workouts, and before I knew it, I was exercising 30 minutes a day. And even though each session was short, the workouts were fun, challenging, and delivered results. I also started drinking Shakeology daily, which boosted my energy, gave me the nutrition my body so desperately needed, and it took away my cravings for junk food and sweets.

After just 3 months, I lost 40 lbs., ditched my high cholesterol meds, have tons more energy, my knees are better, and I no longer use a CPAP machine. Also, my thighs are slimmer, my butt’s smaller, and I finally have a six-pack—even Marine training couldn’t give me the rock-hard body 10-Minute Trainer enabled me to build.

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Since completing 10-Minute Trainer, I’ve done The Ultimate Reset®, lost and additional 16 lbs. and lowered my cholesterol even further. But I didn’t stop there. I’ve also conquered Power 90®, Insanity®, and P90X® and have never been in better shape in my entire life. Now I’m a Beachbody Coach and run monthly Challenge Groups and a weekly Fit Club. I have several private and public Facebook groups and pages—all so I can help people with their health and fitness goals. Beachbody is such a huge part of my life and I couldn’t be happier.

Daily Success 4/10/2013 – After I had my second baby, the ‘eating for two’ excuse didn’t work anymore.

After I had my second baby, the ‘eating for two’ excuse didn’t work anymore. I was miserable. I had gone from overweight to obese. It was so bad, I didn’t even dare to weigh myself. I hated the way I looked. Hated that going up the stairs left me winded. And I hated that people were still asking me if I was pregnant. That hurt the most.

Something had to change. And it did one night when I was up with the baby and saw the infomercial for Turbo Jam. It looked like fun. I watched people say how it had changed their lives. And with a money-back guarantee I decided I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

When I started, I was amazed at how much fun working out was. I loved the music. Chalene’s enthusiasm and encouragement kept me motivated. And for the first time in my life, I actually wanted to work out every day!!!

Once I started seeing results—that only increased my determination. Even after doing the 20-Minute Turbo Jam tons of times, I still get pumped when it’s time to ‘get on the party train’! Chalene is so sincere that seems to know the best time to say something motivational that will get me pushing hard again even when I’m tired.

And guess what? I went from being obese to being healthy—and that’s a wonderful feeling. I lost more than 75 pounds (I can’t say for sure because I was afraid to step on the scale until I had been doing Turbo Jam for a while). I lost 13 inches from my waist alone. And I finally have a waist that’s smaller than my hips!

Best of all, I finally feel good about myself. I no longer feel fat and ashamed. Instead, I’m proud that I achieved something I once thought was impossible. Now I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to do. And I don’t think I could have learned that without Chalene!

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Daily Success 4/10/2013 – I was ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach.

I’ve been a firefighter for 18 years. But that didn’t stop me from letting myself go. I had a bad knee, a ruptured PCL, and a million excuses for my poor diet and lack of exercise. Yeah, I was embarrassed. I was ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach. And I had constant back pain.
But it wasn’t until I found myself eating a ¾-lb. burger, large fries and onion rings on September 11, 2011 that it really hit me. I was dishonoring the memory of my fallen brothers by letting myself go. They gave everything and I was giving nothing. I sat at my desk, coffee cup balanced on my belly and thought, “you’re disgusting.”

I needed a change. And I was finally ready to make it.

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Shakeology was the start. I’ve had one a day now for 12 months and I can’t imagine going without it. Not just because it helps control my urge to eat junk food, but also because it has fueled my LES MILLS COMBAT workouts. COMBAT has improved my balance, coordination, cardio condition—and it melted the fat off my. It feels great to get out and push myself—the sweat flies and the frustrations of life are gone.

I’ve gone from 234 lbs. down to 178—the lowest I’ve been since my twenties. I’m off blood pressure medication. I am full of energy. I sleep better than ever. My testosterone has jumped from 520 to 675…and I AM HEALTHY!

Best of all, I am a leader again and an asset to my crew of firefighters. I am their captain and it feels awesome to be back. Most people won’t get this, but here’s the most profound change: I rely on bottled air when I enter a burning structure. In the past I would use a 45-minute bottle in about 20 minutes. Not good and not safe. But now I can make the same bottle last for nearly 50 minutes! That’s incredible.

Daily Success 4/9/2013 – With 5 non-stop boys, I told myself I didn’t have time to eat right.

Even though I have Hashimoto’s Disease (a thyroid condition that can lead to massive weight gain) and my cortisol levels were borderline diabetic—I used to live on coffee and takeout. I couldn’t help it. With 5 non-stop boys, I told myself I didn’t have time to eat right.
But I knew better. And I knew I needed to start eating better, because my medication wasn’t solving all my problems. So I bought the Ultimate Reset™—then just let it sit on my shelf for months. I guess I was scared about all the cooking. And I just didn’t think I’d have the discipline to stick with it. So I asked a friend to do the Reset with me. Once we set a date, I went shopping, cleared a space for all the healthy food I bought, premade the dressings, took a big breath…and got started!

It was awesome! I did it. I NEVER cheated. When I went out to dinner, I’d watch my family indulge and just sit there, smiling. The first week was hard, but the time went fast. Planning and cooking ahead made the cooking easier than I’d imagined.

I lost 10 lbs., gained tons of energy (without coffee), and I love what this program did for me. It allowed the scale to move. It cleaned out all the junk in my system that was holding me back. And I am so proud of the way I look.

My life has changed a ton. I will never go back to the way I used to eat. I have been introduced to so many great foods. And I even feel like a better mother cooking healthy things for my kids.

Thank you, Beachbody, for this amazing program. I can honestly say it works!

Daily Success 4/8/2013 – I was extremely overweight and I’m not sure how I got there.

Before I was introduced to Beachbody, I was extremely overweight and I’m not sure how I got there. I was unmotivated, uninspired, and at 277 lbs.—I just figured that this was the way my life was going to be.
I started taking Mixed Martial Arts classes and I was seeing results but very slowly. A little after I started I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that could severely change my life, I knew it was time to get healthy, that’s when my life changed forever. During the holiday, one student taught a section on strength training and used INSANITY.

After class, I started talking to him and he spoke about INSANITY, Shakeology and Beachbody with such passion, I asked him to be my Coach right then. He suggested I start with Shakeology, and after losing 7 pounds in just two weeks, I called and asked: “what else you got for me?”

His answer? “INSANITY.” It was tough. But with his support and encouragement, I stuck with it for 60 days and lost 42 pounds! INSANITY was exactly what I needed. It was intense, but I loved the focus and the way myworkout continued to change. It was the hardest thing, but INSANITY gave me the cardio I needed to lose weight. When I was finished, I called him again and said, “that was awesome… what’s next?”

Since then, I’ve done INSANITY: THE ASYLUM® Volume 1 and Volume 2, P90X, P90X2, LES MILLS Pump, (and INSANITY a second time because it’s my first love!). A year and a half later, Beachbody has helped me lose 93 pounds (out of my total weight loss of 138 pounds) and changed my life in such a positive way.

I am now a Coach and helping others. I remember when I started my journey with INSANITY, I sent my Coach a text that said, “I’m still alive… that was the craziest, hardest workout I’ve ever done! Can’t wait for Day 2!” There’s no way I would have had the success I had without my coach. Thank you for all the support through my journey!

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If I can help motivate and change one person’s life the way my coach helped me, than I will say I’m successful. I am truly blessed to be given this opportunity.