Category Archives: BeachBody

Has to deal with BeachBody.

Daily Success 2/15/2013 – I was miserable. And I hated life.

8-Jennifer-TurboJam-Insanity-ChaleanExtreme-URI used to spend all my free time glued to the couch—watching TV, reading, or taking naps. I was fat. I was miserable. And I hated life. When my husband asked for a divorce last year, I hated life even more and completely lost my appetite. While starving myself did take off the pounds, one day I woke up and realized that I had to start eating right and exercising if I really wanted to get healthy. And that’s when my journey with Beachbody® began.

First I did TurboJam®, which really got my body moving. While I love weight training, I need lots of motivation to do cardio, which Chalene freely gave. This was a great beginner’s workout because it allowed me to see positive results very quickly while getting used to exercising again.

Next I gave INSANITY® a shot because I wanted to push myself and see what I was made of! During this time I started running and completed my 1st 5K in May 2012. INSANITY was the ultimate physical challenge—it was just me against my mind—and I was so proud of myself when I completed it.

Chalean Extreme® was the third program I chose to conquer. This one was great because it taught me how to lift weights without bulking up. Throughout this program, I continued training for my races, and the day after I ran the half marathon I started the Ultimate Reset®.

I chose the Ultimate Reset because even though I’d become an exercise fan over the past year, eating healthy was something I still struggled with. The Reset helped me stop eating sugar and processed foods, which enabled me to sleep so much better at night. And when I started drinking Shakeology® I realized I had found my missing link to nutrition. Shakeology curbed my cravings while giving me the energy I needed to push play everyday.

Though it all, my Challenge Groups were key to my success. The Challenge Group gave me the confidence I needed to step outside my comfort zone and achieve my goals. It has  been my biggest cheerleader throughout this entire journey and I couldn’t have done it without challenge group support and belief in me! My Challenge Groups were great because they held me accountable each and every day, and were there for me when times got tough—which they did, a lot.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

After completing all these Beachbody programs, I lost almost 80 lbs., went from wearing a size 16 down to a 4, and wore a bikini this summer for the 1st time in over 20 years. And while my physical achievements are fantastic, I’m most proud of the mental shift I made. I went from a total pessimist to a glass-half-full kind of person, and am totally loving life. I’ve never felt healthier or happier than I do right now, and I owe it all to Beachbody. Thanks!

Daily Success – I ate terribly, but didn’t care


After my Army days were over, I spent the next 13 years not caring one bit about my health. I ate terribly, but didn’t care. I was gaining weight, but didn’t care about that either. And even though I never had any energy and my health was rapidly declining, I saw no way of making things better—so I just didn’t care much about anything. I had completely given up on EVER being in shape, or healthy again.

Then one day, my fiancé’s son and I started playing chase in the park, and within seconds of “running” after him, I thought I was going to die. And honestly, that probably wasn’t too far from the truth. But I didn’t want to die; I had a lot to live for. So I ordered LES MILLS PUMP® and Shakeology® and decided to change my life.

I chose Pump because I wanted to reshape my body while transforming my mind—and this program did NOT disappoint. The music got me going, and the trainers kept me going, longer and harder than I ever thought possible. I was enjoying Pump so much that I actually looked forward to my workouts, something I could never imagine saying before. And by starting every day with Shakeology, I knew my body was finally getting the nutrition it so desperately needed. Plus, it just melted off the pounds.

Now, after only two months of working out with Pump and drinking Shakeology daily, I’ve changed so much that I barely recognize myself in the mirror. So far, I’ve lost 59 lbs. and 13% body fat. I went from barely fitting into a size 44 pant to swimming inside of a 34. All my 2XL shirts are long gone and my closet is now stocked with larges only. My diet has done a complete 180 and I only eat home cooked meals that are packed with whole foods and lots of veggies.

And while it’s even hard for me to believe some days, I truly have become addicted to a healthy lifestyle. I’m now healthier, fitter, and happier than I’ve ever been—and all the credit goes to Beachbody. You guys literally saved my life. THANK YOU!!!!!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 2/18/2013 – Lifestyle of gorging on fast food, downing Slurpee’s daily, smoking for years, and NEVER, EVER, EVER exercising.


In high school I was skinny. After having 2 babies in my twenties, I was not. But really, my weight issues had very little to do with my “baby fat.” Instead, they had everything to do with my lifestyle of gorging on fast food, downing Slurpee’s daily, smoking for years, and NEVER, EVER, EVER exercising. Even though I was tired, depressed, and despised my reflection—sadly, I was completely unmotivated to change. That was, until the day I saw pictures of myself from my husband’s family reunion. Pictures don’t lie. I was fat.

The very next day, I saw a TurboJam® infomercial, bought the program, and never looked back. I chose TurboJam simply because it looked fun, and one of the girls in the workouts had lost the amount of weight I desired to lose, so I thought: If she could do it, I can too! And from the very first workout, I fell in love with the program. Chalene was incredibly motivating, the music was fun, and the moves were something I could actually do.

So far, I’ve lost 70 lbs. of flab and over 75 inches off of my entire body. I went from a chunky 205 pounds to a lean 135. And from a size 16 to a tiny 2. I lost so much weight that I had to buy a whole new wardrobe because nothing, and I mean NOTHING, fit anymore. I’ve also packed on 20 lbs. of muscle and am in the best shape of my life. I’m now very athletic, completing a half marathon. I competed in 2 Women’s Strength Competitions, and recently won a 10K. I’m a certified personal trainer (for over 4 years now) so I can help others who struggle with exercise and eating healthy.

Talk about a 180, wow, what a different life I now have! And the truth is, none of this would have been possible without Beachbody. You guys really helped me to completely changed my life. Thank you.

Weekly Newsletter – Team Results Pictures!!! Great reason why to join a challenge group!

A support system.

By Mike Griego (Team Engage Coach)

Why do we need one? That is the question most humans generally ask. What in the world would I need a support system right? “I am MY OWN support system!”…is generally the phrase we belt out. Don’t get me wrong, that is absolutely a fantastic attitude to have. We are our own and best cheerleaders. Yet, what do we do when we need a shoulder to lean on? We can always pick ourselves up in times of need. Positive thoughts always brings us up into a better place . Yet sometimes it is a lot harder to do.

Having a group that has got your back is an extremely helpful tool. A group is there to let you vent, pouring our your frustrations instead of bottling them up inside. Bottled emotions of negativity is where self destruction can easily begin. A group is there to prop you up when you are down but also to praise you when credit is due. A group is there to give support during those tough times and injuries. They are there to kick your rear into gear when you are not feeling the pace or they boost you heavily to push harder than you ever have before.

A positive support network of friends, family, and even strangers has been proven to help people achieve goals, no matter what they are looking to accomplish. A group that meets daily or even weekly can give confidence to the actions done. It is especially true when posting accountability of what was done for the day or days prior to the meeting. Though things may not have been completed on time, tasks could have been rushed through, all effort wasn’t given to a project at hand, a workout could have been skipped, that group is there to support you. They will give you constructive ideas on how to better improve where you lack, not bad mouthing you because of what happened. They will point out flaws and make suggestions on how to make reverse course.

So if you have ever wondered if having a support group is worth it, I can most certainly say it is.

Team Success Stories


See all the recorded Team Member results HERE

Upcoming Challenge Groups

  • February 18th – Insanity come join this group and change your life in just 60 days!
  • February 25th – Les Mills Combat.  This is my next program that I will personally doing.
  • March 4 – P90X, P90X2, BodyBeast.  This is my first and still my overall favorite.

If you don’t see the program that you would like to do here, message me as we have group starting all the time.

Upcoming Trainer Chats

Here are the up coming Chats:

  • Beachbody LIVE w/Dan and Rach Tuesday (Feb 12th) at 4:00 PM
  • Beachbody LIVE w/Debbie Siebers Wednesday (Feb. 13th) at 4:00 PM
  • Beachbody LIVE w/Leandro Carvalho Feb 19 at 2:00 PM
  • Beachbody LIVE w/Shaun T Feb 19 at 4:00 PM
  • Beachbody LIVE w/Tony Horton Feb 25th at 6:00 PM
  • Beachbody LIVE w/Chalene Johnson Feb 27th at 7:00 PM
*All times are EST

Watch live here:

Monthly Contest

Give a shout out to Wendy Watkins.  She is the winner of January Blood Drive Give away!

Click here for this Months give away:

Like always please contact me with any questions that you might have as I am here to help.

And don’t forget to keep your goal in front of you and keep forging forward!!

Daily Success 2/12/2013 – This may sound stupid, but P90X saved me.


Although I was always heavily involved in sports growing up, my weight was never under control. By the time I reached high school, I weighed 240 lbs., and because of my weight struggles, I was extremely unhappy with myself, mentally and physically.

It got so bad, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, a condition I “treated” with drugs such as cocaine, cough syrup, marijuana, and alcohol. I was so out of control I had to take a medical leave of absence from college because I was mentally unstable and a danger to myself.

When I almost died from abusing cough syrup, I hit bottom and knew I had to change. I needed a natural way to build the strength I lacked. This may sound stupid, but P90X saved me. The fact that P90X had a fit guide, a nutrition guide, and 12 workouts blew my mind. At first, it was tough. I had to modify, modify, modify everything. But Tony is such a great motivator. I stuck with it and I came out looking more ripped than I ever imagined.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Even better, I came out a better me. I am so much happier and healthier. I eat healthy, engage in healthy activities, stay away from things that will drag me down. I want to give a big THANK YOU to my Coach., for being there for me and helping every step of the way. And because of how far I have come and how many obstacles I have faced and overcome because of Beachbody.

Daily Success 2/11/2013 – I put everything into running my store and just let myself go


I put everything into running my store and just let myself go. I knew I was gaining weight, but told myself I didn’t have the time to do anything about it. So I was “muffin-topping” around town, squeezing into jeans, “sausaging” into shirts that didn’t fit, and just basically miserable.

After my husband and I went to Vegas, I wanted to share all the pictures we took—but when I looked at them, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe how much weight I had gained. When a friend joked about which one of us could lose the most weight, I Googled “Lose weight in 90 days”…and a YouTube video of Beachbody came up.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I said, ‘if she can lose that much weight, I can, too’ and picked P90X . That was the best thing I’ve ever done. I joined a Challenge Group, started logging my workouts every day to stay accountable, and got on Shakeology.

It was hard, but I kept at it. I had to. I was being accountable. The additional support I got kept me on track. And suddenly, I was amazed with myself. I’ve lost 23 lbs. and 32 inches. My “mom hips” disappeared and now that I drink Shakeology daily for breakfast, I have the energy I never had before to actually get things done.

Daily Success 2/5/2013 – laid up for 8 weeks, I put on 26lbs. because of medication


2012 was not a good year. I fractured my kneecap and while I was laid up for 8 weeks, I put on 26lbs. Not just because I didn’t exercise—but because I couldn’t stop eating. Food is my drug, my poison, and in the past I always thought I could outwork the bad food. But being laid up—and reaching 300 lbs.—forced me to realize that I needed to get my unhealthy eating habits under control.

Many of my friends had done the Ultimate Reset and claimed it was life changing. That’s exactly what I needed, a life-changer. Fast. So I ordered the Ultimate Reset and promised myself I would not fall off the path and I would finish this by the book…no matter what!

The Ultimate Reset was exactly the “tool” to help me correct my food issues, and cleanse my body and overcome all my issues with food. I joined my Coach’s Challenge group, poured myself into it daily and posted away. My group helped me stay accountable.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

With the Ultimate Reset I’ve lost 26lbs. and 3 inches off my waist. I have forever changed my view of food. Heck, I lost every craving. To sit here and not have a single craving for a cookie, a candy bar, a fast food place that I should own stock in. Just unreal. Life changing!

I absolutely loved that all the food was laid out for me. The recipes were easy to follow. I knew exactly what to make and how long to cook it. Totally dummy-proof. I am no longer letting food rule my life! I got my life back!

Daily Success 2/4/2013 – With my wedding day fast approaching


With my wedding day fast approaching, I was determined to look spectacular! I was going to the gym, but I found myself stuck at a plateau… for about 6 months! With my wedding just around the corner, I was desperate. I needed to do something else—fast.

Especially since I had found this gorgeous dress that didn’t quite fit… yet. And believe me, that wedding dress turned out to be the best motivation. Because I was so stressed, I checked out several Beachbody workouts, but chose TurboFire… and found out it’s SUPER FUN!

I love the music, and I find Chalene Johnson to be such a great motivator. It keeps me going when she says, right in the middle of a workout; “You know what?! You are not tired! You are not tired!” She knows just what to say to get you to go that extra mile.

Once I started TurboFire, not only did I fit into that dress in no time, but I had to get it fitted because I’d lost so many inches so quickly. When that special day came, I felt beautiful and amazing in my wedding dress.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

It’s been a year since I started on this journey and I can honestly say that TurboFire and Shakeology (it tastes delicious!) has been the greatest thing to happen to me—besides my husband of course! That’s why I became a Beachbody Coach! Paying it forward and being able to help others is the least I can do.

Daily Success 2/2/2013 – At 30 I had never been more unhealthy or miserable


My dream was to be in the best shape of my life by the time I turned 30. But when that day arrived, I had never been more unhealthy or miserable. I was overweight, popped high blood pressure pills daily, and my cholesterol was out of control. I was a junk food junkie, never ate a home cooked meal, drank way too many beers every night, and was exhausted due to my sleep apnea. And it was only a matter of time before I became a diabetic—just like my father—who died at 50 from a heart attack.

It would have been easy to blame my poor health on my DNA because all the men in my family died somewhere between their late 30’s and early 50’s due to health related issues. But the reality was, we all did it to ourselves. And I didn’t want to accept their fate as my own. I wanted to live a long, healthy life, full of good memories and exciting adventures—so when a P90X® infomercial came on TV one night, I didn’t even think twice before picking up the phone.

My goal with P90X was to get lean and toned while building up my endurance so I could do a half marathon, as well as run competitively in local 5K races. And after 90 days of pushing play, my life completely changed. I can now do 25 pull-ups without stopping, run 10+ miles several times a week, and finally have that six-pack I’ve always wanted. My cholesterol had dropped significantly and I’m finally off those high blood pressure meds. I cook healthy, low-cal meals every single day, have tons of energy, and have never felt or looked better.

When people see the new me, they’re in complete awe over my weight loss and want to know my “secret”. While P90X might have been my “secret weapon”, there’s no real secret to losing weight and getting in shape. It’s as simple as eating right and working out—every single day. And I’m proud to say, my transformation has inspired tons of friends, family, and co-workers to make better lifestyle and health decisions.

I’m so excited for the future and what’s coming next. I absolutely love who I am now and never want to be that person I was a few months ago. Now I know, I can accomplish ANYTHING I want when I put my mind to it. Thanks Beachbody.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups