Category Archives: Shakeology

What is this Shakeology that you speak of?!?


Hey everyone. Check this out. If you have talked to me about Shakeology but haven’t tried it, now is the perfect time to give it a go.

Have you heard me or other talk about this Shakeology stuff and wondered what the heck it’s all about?
Have you wondered what all the buzz is about?
Been wanting to try it yourself but didn’t want to commit to a full month right off the bat?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, YOU’RE IN LUCK!!

Join us for this 7 day Shakeology Shake N Share beginning ***insert date here*** where you can try Shakeology and see for yourself why so many of us LOVE it and never miss a day.

What can Shakeology do for YOU???
** Help curb cravings
** Promote healthy weight loss
** Increase your energy level
** Improve digestion and regularity
And that’s just the BEGINNING!

So what is the group all about??
We provide you with recipes and tips on how to make the shakes and all YOU do is drink them. Easy!! We’ll provide you with accountability to keep you on track during the 7 days and most of all, we’ll have some fun.

What do you have to do to join us??
Email me at or send me a message on Facebook  For $30, you get 6 sample packets of Shakeology to use for the week and a spot in this FREE support group.

We hope to see you joining us for these 7 days that could be a GAME CHANGER in your fitness journey!

August 11th 2013 Newsletter

Are you the tortoise or the hare?

Do you feel like you are losing the fight?  You have tried the quick fade diets and they get you some results but you always fall back to where you started? Tortoise_and_hare_rackham

In the world that we live in today we are constantly bombarded with get rich quick schemes; get thin by just adding a sprinkle of this or eating a certain diet.  All of these things are things that I would consider “Hare” products.  Their advertising says that it is so simple that anyone can do it but just like the hare in the Aesop’s Fables the hare ran ahead of the tortoise and stopped to take a nap, the tortoise who did fall into the traps of having to go fast knew that slow and steady wins the race kept plugging along and did win the race! I won’t argue that some of these “Hare” products and programs have some results but as soon as you stop them we truly haven’t learned to change your life and as soon as you stop the results disappear and you are no further ahead than when you started.Modeling our lives in the way of the tortoise is where true results comes from.  Through consistency we build habits that will change our lives and the lives of those around us.  Don’t focus on the habits that you need to change focus on the habits that you are building.

Commit – Fitness – Nutrition – Support – Rewards SUCCEED!!!


Looking for the right program that is right for you?

Check out these DEALS!!

T25 is a mega hit and people are getting amazing results from just 25 minutes a day!!  Look at team member Christine E.  She is half way through T25 is already see amazing results and she still has 6 weeks left! The great news is that since people have loved T25 so much, Beachbody is extending it offer on the T25 Challenge Pack!!

Here's my progress since starting T25 6 weeks ago. Still working on getting my nutrition on track, but was pleasantly surprised by the small changes in the photos The left being the before and the right being now. Still trying to get into the dress I wore when I graduated high school four years ago!! I know it's small changes, but just wanted to share since I missed STATurday. Keep pushing forward!! Here’s my progress since starting T25 6 weeks ago. Still working on getting my nutrition on track, but was pleasantly surprised by the small changes in the photos The left being the before and the right being now. Still trying to get into the dress I wore when I graduated high school four years ago!! I know it’s small changes, but just wanted to share. Keep pushing forward!!T25 Challenge Pack:

TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire.  Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!!


TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire.  Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!!  This 12 week program along with its fire drills will get you moving sweating and getting you to your goals. Check out Devan S.  She was had the last draw when her doctor but her in cholesterol meds and she had an allergic reaction to them.  TurboFire changed everything around and now instead of looking for a “magic pill” or a “body in a bottle” but now she has a new look out on life!! TurboFire Challegne Pack: Beast

is probably the number one program that will get you to a physic that you are wanting.  Someone you know that I was able to compete in the first ever Beast Classic in Las Vegas this past June and now I get the opportunity to let you know that this program is on sale!

CDM 2013-06-19  7278-L_MG_7039-X3
P90X will always be my first love and I think it is the best overall program but as Team Member Richard N. said “I did P90X to get to where I need to be, but I am using Body Beast to get to where I want to be.”. Now is your chance to join me in a round of Body Beast as I will be starting another round of Body Beast.  And don’t think that women can’t get involved take a look at the winners for the competition: out the challenge pack and come join me!!
Each challenge pack comes with a workout program, 30 days of Shakeology, 30 days of a Club Beachbody that will provided you exactly what to eat, and support of me and the team!!

T25 Speical ends on Wednesday please watch and decide to Focus!!

This is a great program and great deals.  Whether you choose the Focus T25 Challenge pack with over $90 in savings with Shakeology, the T25 program, a free month of Club Beachbody and free shipping, or just the regular program with free shipping you won’t be sorry.  Isn’t your family, your job, your future worth 3% of your day?  Isn’t it worth 25 minutes?

Lets get started to day!!  If you have questions message me here:

If you want more details of what you get check out the link to the programs:
Challenge Pack (Best Value):

Regualr Program:

But remember if you wait any longer the program will still be here but the special will be gone.

Daily Success 5/1/2013 – “WHAT DID I DO TO MY BODY?!”

I’ve battled being overweight my entire life. But a few years back, I worked really hard to get in shape so I could enlist in the Military. Everything was going great until I injured my knee and was unable to work out with much intensity. Frustrated with the pain and my restricted mobility, I simply stopped caring, ate whatever I wanted, and slept all the time. But after 8 months of this destructive behavior, I packed on the pounds. I couldn’t even run ONE lap in PT without feeling like my heart was going to explode. And while I hated being out of shape, I put up with it until the day I saw a picture of myself in a sleeveless dress and thought, “WHAT DID I DO TO MY BODY?!”
I knew exactly what I had done to my body. NOTHING! That’s why my 5’ 4” frame tipped the scale at 173 pounds. So I dug out the P90X set that I’d been “saving” for the past two years, and convinced myself that if I could get through just ONE workout, then I could do them all. Fearing that I’d quit after just a few weeks (like I always do) I pre-wrote my Success Story to keep me motivated. I kept imagining myself as “That Girl.”

Apparently it worked, because in 6 months I lost 30 lbs., went from a size 14 to an 8, and for the first time in my life, I’m finally comfortable in my own skin. Gone is the bitter and angry Jamie—and here to stay is a happy, healthy, confident woman who loves talking to strangers about health and fitness. Now every time I go to the gym, I make it a point to grab a 30 lb. dumbbell and do squats or shrugs, just so I can remind myself of how much weight I’ve lost. My next goal is to grab a 50 lb. dumbbell, and do the exact same thing.

Sometimes I still can’t believe that in only 6 months, I went from barely being able to stand for five minutes, to doing P90X’s Plyometrics, and kicking and jumping with INSANITY and Turbo Fire. And even though I have to modify the workouts due to my knee, I’m still getting great results. During my second round of P90X, I even incorporated INSANITY into my workouts—a program I thought I’d NEVER be able to do. See, it just shows you that once you start believing in yourself, amazing things can happen.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I also started using Shakeology at the end of month 2 and immediately saw a reduction in my cravings for carbs and sweets. Now I drink it every night for dinner. I recently did the 3-day Shakeology cleanse and lost 6 lbs. It took away the bloating in my stomach, my whole body felt lighter, and my workouts really began to accelerate.

In these past 6 months, I’ve not only transformed my body, I’ve completely rewired my mind. I’m such a happier, healthier person who’s now incredibly confident and determined to build a strong and healthy future.

Daily Success 4/24/2013 – I started to gain weight due to lack of exercise and eating fast food all the time.

I was always the skinny kid growing up, and spent lots of time playing sports. For the 7 years I was in the US Army, I was also generally fit. But upon leaving the Army in 2003, I started to gain weight due to lack of exercise and eating fast food all the time. Every morning I would grab a chicken biscuit (hey, I was eating chicken, that’s healthy, right?) a soda, and hash browns or fries for breakfast. Then I’d go out for lunch, get the biggest burger on the menu, and eat the entire thing. On the way home, I’d stop at a fast food place or order pizza for dinner. Before I knew it, I had ballooned to 240 lbs. and was always tired.
One day I woke up completely out of breath, like I had been underwater for hours. I knew I had sleep apnea, and at some point I had probably stopped breathing. Luckily, that time I woke up. I will never forget that turning point, when I knew something was wrong and decided to change my life.

I chose P90X® because I’d seen the infomercials multiple times and figured, “If these guys can do it, so can I.” I liked the fact that P90X is a total-body program, and I didn’t have to buy a bunch of weights or equipment. The greatest challenge I faced was finding the motivation to change my exercise and eating habits. I would start P90X and quit a couple of weeks later, start back up, and then quit again. I did this about 3 times. I finally committed fully when I was invited to Jon Congdon’s “Comeback Kids” P90X Challenge Group by my Beachbody Coach. That time, I completed the entire program.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

The motivation and support from Challenge Groups is phenomenal! Posting motivational pictures and quotes on social media sites, as well as seeing others’ results, kept me accountable and helped me reach every goal I set. I drink Shakeology® every morning after I workout, and it’s also played a key role in my transformation. It leaves me feeling full, and gives me tons of energy throughout the day so that I can accomplish all my tasks. I definitely sleep better, and my mood is better than it has been in years.

To date, I have lost 62 lbs. and 22 inches off my body, and am in the best shape of my life. Even when I was in the US Army, running and exercising every day, I never had the definition in my abs, arms, shoulders, and legs that I have now. I’m more active, have more energy, and can accomplish things I only dreamed of when I was overweight. I’ve completed an 11-mile mud run (with more to come!), and am a better employee, husband, and father.

Daily Success 4/16/2013 – As a nursing student with two jobs, I felt like fast food was the only thing I had time for

When I started doing a TurboKick class, two awesome things happened. I found out that I loved TurboKick, and my instructor—and Team Beachbody Coach—introduced me to Shakeology when she gave me a packet to try. I loved it so much, I went onto her site and ordered a 30-day supply immediately.

That was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

Before Shakeology, I’d TRY to eat healthier, but I always ended up eating a few large meals a day and never really sticking to a diet plan. As a nursing student with two jobs, I felt like fast food was the only thing I had time for. But Shakeology completely changed my mindset. I drank Shakeology when I came home late from work and class and I instantly started dropping weight.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Within the first month, I lost 8 lbs., and now, after a year, I am down 50 lbs. and I weigh less than I did in high school!

Even better, Shakeology totally changed my mindset about my relationship with food. Over the years, I experimented with different “fad” diets, diet pills, Slimfast—you name it—to try to lose the weight I HATED. But with Shakeology, I no longer need to worry about what to do for a meal when I am short on time. It’s the “fast food” that nourishes and feeds my body with the best ingredients and even curbs my sweet tooth.

I can say that 100% that Shakeology changed my life for the better.

And I am proud to say how much I love it!

Daily Success 3/27/2013 – I saw in the mirror each day was of a person who had no passion about life

Before I started my journey, I was on a 4 cheeseburger, 2 large pizza, beer, no exercise kind of lifestyle. I had zero focus. Could care less about my health. The image I saw in the mirror each day was of a person who had no passion about life. It was a downward spiral. No hope of living a long and happy life.
But once my kids came along, everything changed.

I started with P90X®. I was the beginning of my journey. It taught me how to work out at home. Now I am doing Body Beast® I wanted something to help build some mass while burning off the fat. Beast is the perfect workout for someone like me.

So far, I have lost about 160 pounds, altogether using various Beachbody programs—P90X, INSANITY, Body Beast, Shakeology, the Ultimate Reset, etc. The weight loss has to be my biggest accomplishment. But now that I’m doing Body Beast, I have packed on about 15 pounds of muscle. So my journey is transforming. Taking me places I never could have imagined.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I have gone from a couch potato to a fitness warrior. My life has been given back to me. I would have been dead by 40. Now age is just a number. I eat for success, not satisfaction. I use the food tracker to keep track of every piece of food that goes in my mouth. I complete marathons, warrior dashes, Spartan runs.


Daily Success 3/25/2013 – I even had the nickname, Pudge

I have always been chubby. As a kid I even had the nickname, Pudge. I never really thought much about my health until my wife was diagnosed with a chronic illness that effected her brain and every aspect of her life. So far, she’s undergone seven surgeries, including 6 brain surgeries. That was a MAJOR wakeup call for us. After her last surgery we decided to change our lifestyle knowing that we couldn’t change her chronic illness but we could save ourselves from other illnesses by focusing on our health.
We both started drinking Shakeology and focusing on nutrition. I also started and finished P90X, Tai Cheng, and we tackled the Ultimate Reset together. Since then I have so much more energy. My friends and family are astonished with my results. I’m happier, healthier, and my life has been enhanced SO MUCH this past year through Beachbody.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Thanks to P90X I got the six-pack that I always wanted. After that intense program I needed a little rest, so I went straight into Tai Cheng. Tai Cheng was low impact but I realized once I got started that it really works you out! The core strengthening was amazing. My posture and core have never been better.

Shakeology made a big difference, too. I’m a Registered Nurse doing home healthcare so I spend most of my day in my car. It used to be easy to grab fast food, but with Shakeology I don’t have to do that. I carry my shaker cup and have lunch on the go. Before Shakeology, I used to chug 4-5 cups of coffee a day to keep me going. But since Shakeology, I haven’t had a cup.

Daily Success 3/14/2013 – I had horrible things going on inside my body

6-Naomi-Shake0-CXOh man, I can’t say enough about Shakeology. It’s what introduced me to Beachbody in the first place. I had horrible things going on inside my body. Holes in my intestines, inflammation levels twice as high as they should be, issues with gluten, and autoimmune problems like crazy.

My doctor had me taking a handful of pills and supplements every day. It was crazy. One day I got sick of it, did some research, found Shakeology. And I’ve never looked back! I feel much better drinking Shakeology than I ever did on my meds. But Shakeology was just the start.

I tried P90X, then Slim in 6, but I just wasn’t ready to commit. Then I got a call from my Coach. I told her what I liked, and what my goals were, and she said do ChaLEAN Extreme. It’s amazing. I recommend it to anybody. It changed my body so much. I lost 122 lbs., ran my first ever half-marathon, and went from size 24 to size 10!!! Chalene made the difference for me. She makes it fun to do the program. She explains exactly what you’re doing and why. And I love how she reminds you that it is so much more than exercise.

My life has changed in ways I can’t even put into words. The Coaches and people I have met through Beachbody are so positive. There are so many people who care so much. My Coach is such a positive light for me. When I felt like I couldn’t do it, or wanted to give up, instead of lecturing me, she stood by my side and reminded me that I could do it. I could be successful.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 3/12/2013 – My body had become like a prison

I was addicted to food. My body had become like a prison I created one bite at a time. Even worse, I was living with out-of-control diabetes and had gained over 25 pounds. Was the stress and disappointment of trying to have a baby for two years driving me to unhealthy eating habits? You bet.

5-Jason-P90X-ShakeOBut it took one little thing to change the course of my life: hearing the heartbeat of my 7-week unborn son at the fertility clinic. That event alone caused me to do some serious soul searching.

I had seen Tony Horton’s P90X®infomercial on TV for years. I loved the concept. The energy. All the inspirational stories. I dreamed of my body looking as good as the people on the infomercial so I decided to take the 90-day plunge.

Talk about a complete program! Muscle strength days. Cardiovascular days. There’s even a nutrition guide, a workout calendar, and a complete breakdown of each of the workouts. How cool is that?

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Today, I’ve lost 30 pounds of pure blubber and over 12 inches off my waist. And thanks to Shakeology®, I don’t eat junk food and have been able to get my blood sugar levels under control. In fact, I’ve gone from 5 shots of insulin a day to just one. But the best part is that now I know I’ll be there for my children for years to come.