You have seen the daily $500 winners of the BeachBody Challenge but these are the 10 $1000 winners for Novemeber. These 10 people will be going for the chance to win $100,000 next June!!
What are you waiting for come join me in a challenge group today!
So this afternoon I will be headed to the in-laws to partake of some delicious food but how do we keep from over eating? Here are some tips that hopefully help you not blow the past weeks of working out.
1. Drink water throughout the day, and before you eat dinner. This will help the body realize that it is full.
2. Time yourself and wait 20 minutes before you go back for seconds. The body takes 15-20 minutes to realize that you are full.
3. Eat a salad and I don’t mean a fruit salad with yogurt. I mean a green salad with lots of veggies.
4. Drink a Shakeology a half an hour before dinner. Shakeology is low calorie and has things like Chia seed that will help fill the stomach, plus it will help you get your daily vitamins.
5. Plan, plan, plan and be mindful. Like I said if you fail to plan, you plan to fail but you still need to watch what you are snacking on as a handful here and there easily becomes 600-700 calories!!
What tips do you have that is going to keep you from over eating today?
I love a new year. It almost seems like we can start all over, finally become that wonderful, productive, healthy, happy person we’ve always wanted to be. The trouble is, the enthusiasm to make changes, especially with exercise and diet, tends to fade once we realize we can’t change everything overnight. If you want to make lasting changes, there are three things you can do to make your resolutions work all year long: Adjust your attitude, change your lifestyle and come up with a plan for success.
Adjust Your Attitude
If you have the wrong attitude about fitness, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. Most people look at exercise as:
Punishment for bad eating
An obligation
Time consuming
Impossible to sustain over a long period of time
If any of these sound familiar, how long do you think you’ll stick with your program? Nobody wants to do something painful, boring or obligatory. Before you throw yourself into weight loss, suss out your attitudes about exercise and figure out whether these attitudes are true or just lies you’ve been telling yourself for years. Then, try a different perspective and look at exercise as:
A break from a stressful workday
A way to boost energy and mood
The only time you’ll have to yourself all day
A chance to get totally physical and let your mind rest
A chance to reward your body for working so hard
A way to improve your quality of life immediately
And here are some more key points about exercise that you must understand:
Willpower won’t work. Willpower is for short-term success. Long-term success requires planning, discipline and finding ways to motivate yourself every day.
Motivation will not magically happen. What motivates youwill change from day to day. You have to recommit to your goals each day, tweak them to fit changes in your lifestyle and attitude and find new ways to motivate yourself over the course of your life.
You will not always want to exercise and eat healthy. Even the most committed exerciser doesn’t always want to do it. Know that you will have to work on it every day.
Diets don’t work. Stop wasting your time following someone else’s plan for you. Make your own plan based on realistic changes–if you can’t follow your chosen diet for the rest of your life, you’re wasting precious time.
Adjust Your Lifestyle
The facts about being overweight:
You can’t be overweight unless your lifestyle is set up to encourage it.
You can’t be overweight if you haven’t allowed yourself to eat too much.
You can’t be overweight if you’ve made a daily schedule that doesn’t allow time for exercise.
Never forget that losing weight and maintaining that weight loss is a lifetime prospect. You will never stop working to maintain your fitness and weight. So, before you start that same old diet or exercise program, ask yourself this question: Can I sustain this diet for the long term? Is this exercise program something I can do every day?
Once you recognize the gravity of permanently losing weight, you’ll need to change your lifestyle to accommodate this goal.
Figure out your bad habits. Keep a food/activity journal for an entire week. Do it without judgment or shame–you’re simply trying to figure out what you’re doing every day that may be hurting your weight loss goals.
Replace those bad habits, one at a time, with different habits. Experts know that you can’t break bad habits without forming new ones. If you take away your daily Egg McMuffin and don’t replace it with something else you’ll drift right back into the old McDonald’s habit.
This may sound simplistic, and it is. Giving up something yummy for something healthy isn’t easy. You have to change your environment to make it impossible to have or even want that Egg McMuffin. Get started with these ideas:
Decide what you’ll eat instead of fast food. Stock up on breakfast foods you like, keep meal replacement bars in the car or try healthy fruit shakes or smoothies.
Eat before you get in the car so you won’t be starving and, therefore, tempted to hit the drive thru.
Change your driving route to work so you don’t even pass by McDonald’s.
Don’t carry cash in the car (even if you DO have the urge to indulge, you won’t be able to), write down your weight loss goal and tape it to your steering wheel or your glove compartment so, when you’re reaching for your wallet, you’re immediately reminded your goals.
Make a Plan
You’ve figured out how to change your bad eating habits by replacing them with good ones and you’ve learned to create an environment that doesn’t allow those bad habits to exist. Now, you need to make a plan for what you really want.
Set Your Goals
Write down specific goals you have (not just ‘I want to lose weight.’). List everything, for example:
How much weight you want to lose. Make sure the amount of weight you want to lose is reasonable for your height and frame. This Ideal Weight Calculator will give you a starting point for setting your goals.
A target date to reach your goals. Make sure you’ve given yourself a reasonable time to reach that goal – (a safe bet would be to lose a pound a week)
Why you want to lose this weight (i.e., I want to look good in a bathing suit for summer)
What you think will happen if you reach your goal
How you’ll maintain your weight loss once you reach your goal (remember, it’s a lifetime thing–even when you reach your goal, you can’t quit!)
To set up a good routine, you’ll need to know the basics of a complete program. You’re program will involve cardio, strength training and stretching.
For help choosing a program contact me and we will find the right program for you! You can find my contact information at the bottom of the newletter or visit my site to look at the different products that BeachBody has!
Ensure Your Success
Success involves using every resource you have to keep you going. Do whatever it takes to be consistent including:
Enlist all family members to get involved. If everyone eats healthy, you won’t have to fight to avoid that bag of chips your spouse munches on every night
Join a BeachBody Challenge
Get a friend to exercise with you
Take time every week to schedule your exercise routines
Keep a workout bag packed so you don’t have to scramble for your gear
Keep a fitness journal to track your workouts and progress
Reward yourself often with massages, new clothes or a vacation
Change your program every 6 weeks to avoid plateaus
Re-visit your goals every three months and gauge your progress. If you’re not reaching your goals, maybe you should change them to something more accessible
The important thing to remember is that losing weight requires that you change your lifestyle. You have to change the way you think about exercise and eating, change the way you schedule your day and how you prioritize your tasks. It’s easy to lose a few pounds, but it’s hard to keep them off for good. Being prepared for what’s ahead is your first step in the right direction.
Do you find that losing weight is difficult because you are eating on the run with no time to shop, cook, or plan meals? Do you eat out or get take-out food a lot and then eat restaurant portions that may prevent you from losing weight and keeping it off? These are some of the reasons people who want to lose weight often consider using meal replacements.
What Is A Meal-Replacement?
A meal replacement is a portion-controlled, prepackaged meal, shake, drink or bar that contains approximately 100 to 200 calories and is used to replace an entire meal or snack to help you reduce your total calorie intake and thus lose weight. These include nutritionally fortified diet protein shakes, snack bars, and low-calorie meals.
The weight loss shakes and bars are usually low in fat and calories, with about 100 to 200 calories, 2 to 5 grams of fat, about 10 to 15 grams of protein, various vitamins and minerals, and up to 5 grams of fiber.
How Do Meal Replacements Work?
Meal replacements help people lose weight by providing a controlled amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat in a prefixed portion. They simplify meal planning because they are convenient — easy to store, and requiring little preparation. They are also reasonably prices, usually costing less than the meal they replace.
Meal replacements reduce the number of decisions you have to make about what to eat and reduce your exposure to tempting foods that might result in overeating.
Many effective weight loss plans that use meal replacements recommend either using them in addition to eating 1 or 2 healthy “grocery” foods meals, or replacing 2 or 3 meals and several snacks per day to lose weight, and then replacing 1 meal per day to maintain weight.
Using a meal replacement instead of an entire meal or snack can help you to reduce your calorie and fat intake and your blood sugar levels. When you first start using meal replacements, you will likely notice an immediate reduction in your blood sugar levels because you will probably be consuming fewer calories and less carbohydrates than you would with your usual meal.
How Effective Are Meal Replacements?
Recent studies show that meal replacements have an important role to play in the diet of anyone who wants to lose excess body-fat and build healthy lean muscle.
A good example comes from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers from the University Hospital of Ulm in Germany assessed the effects of low-calorie diet combined with meal replacements on weight loss in a group of 100 obese patients.
Half of the group followed a self-selected diet of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day, which included three meals and two snacks. The other half followed a similar self-directed diet except that they replaced two snacks and two of the three meals with meal replacements (shakes, soups or hot chocolate).
After three months, the people on the
self-selected diet lost an average of 2.9 lbs., while the people using meal
replacements lost an average of 15.6 lbs.
After the first three months, everyone was asked to replace one meal and one snack per day with a meal replacement. Over the next 24 months, original self-selected diet group lost an average of nine additional pounds, and the original meal replacement group lost an average of another seven more pounds. At the end of the study, the self- selected diet group had a 5.9 percent weight loss, whereas the original meal replacement group had an 11 percent weight loss.
Another study by researchers from the University of Nevada report similar results. Women using meal replacement supplements were able to maintain a far greater weight loss over the course of a year than those using other methods to control their weight.
I truly believe in this product! I recommend giving this product a try and with the Beach Body Bottom-of-the-Bag guarantee if you are not totally satisfied in the first 30 day you can return it for a full refund (less s&h). If you are interested in trying a sample please either message me on or send me an email at
Beach Body Coaching Team!!!
What are you doing to fight obesity?
Who else is looking to spread the word of health and ready to “END THE TREND”?
Contact me @ for details on how you can spread the word, get in shape and help your finances!! Together we can end the trend!!
Success Story Of the week!!
Please contact with any questions.
Gregory Short – Independent BeachBody Coach
I have always has the team thread that I am running which anyone can join weither you are doing P90X, Insanity, 10 minute trainer, or any other BeachBody workout.
Do you want to join? Do you have a friend that wants to get in shape with you? Email me right away as there are only 5 spots for this challenge!! Email me today at:
We will be starting November 7th so don’t hesitate!!
Do you find that losing weight is difficult because you are eating on the run with no time to shop, cook, or plan meals? Do you eat out or get take-out food a lot and then eat restaurant portions that may prevent you from losing weight and keeping it off? These are some of the reasons people who want to lose weight often consider using meal replacements.
What Is A Meal-Replacement?
A meal replacement is a portion-controlled, prepackaged meal, shake, drink or bar that contains approximately 100 to 200 calories and is used to replace an entire meal or snack to help you reduce your total calorie intake and thus lose weight. These include nutritionally fortified diet protein shakes, snack bars, and low-calorie meals.
The weight loss shakes and bars are usually low in fat and calories, with about 100 to 200 calories, 2 to 5 grams of fat, about 10 to 15 grams of protein, various vitamins and minerals, and up to 5 grams of fiber.
How Do Meal Replacements Work?
Meal replacements help people lose weight by providing a controlled amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat in a prefixed portion. They simplify meal planning because they are convenient — easy to store, and requiring little preparation. They are also reasonably prices, usually costing less than the meal they replace.
Meal replacements reduce the number of decisions you have to make about what to eat and reduce your exposure to tempting foods that might result in overeating.
Many effective weight loss plans that use meal replacements recommend either using them in addition to eating 1 or 2 healthy “grocery” foods meals, or replacing 2 or 3 meals and several snacks per day to lose weight, and then replacing 1 meal per day to maintain weight.
Using a meal replacement instead of an entire meal or snack can help you to reduce your calorie and fat intake and your blood sugar levels. When you first start using meal replacements, you will likely notice an immediate reduction in your blood sugar levels because you will probably be consuming fewer calories and less carbohydrates than you would with your usual meal.
How Effective Are Meal Replacements?
Recent studies show that meal replacements have an important role to play in the diet of anyone who wants to lose excess body-fat and build healthy lean muscle.
A good example comes from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers from the University Hospital of Ulm in Germany assessed the effects of low-calorie diet combined with meal replacements on weight loss in a group of 100 obese patients.
Half of the group followed a self-selected diet of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day, which included three meals and two snacks. The other half followed a similar self-directed diet except that they replaced two snacks and two of the three meals with meal replacements (shakes, soups or hot chocolate).
After three months, the people on the
self-selected diet lost an average of 2.9 lbs., while the people using meal
replacements lost an average of 15.6 lbs.
After the first three months, everyone was asked to replace one meal and one snack per day with a meal replacement. Over the next 24 months, original self-selected diet group lost an average of nine additional pounds, and the original meal replacement group lost an average of another seven more pounds. At the end of the study, the self- selected diet group had a 5.9 percent weight loss, whereas the original meal replacement group had an 11 percent weight loss.
Another study by researchers from the University of Nevada report similar results. Women using meal replacement supplements were able to maintain a far greater weight loss over the course of a year than those using other methods to control their weight.
I truly believe in this product! I recommend giving this product a try and with the Beach Body Bottom-of-the-Bag guarantee if you are not totally satisfied in the first 30 day you can return it for a full refund (less s&h). If you are interested in trying a sample please either message me on or send me an email at
Beach Body Coaching Team!!!
I would like to welcome Phil F. (CoachPhilF) and Harold M. (CoachHaroldM) to team engage. They have decide to join my personal team to pick up the fight against Obesisty!! That make a full dozen people on my personal team of a group of 60 on Team Engage!!
What are you doing to fight obesity?
Who else is looking to spread the word of health and ready to “END THE TREND”?
Contact me @ for details on how you can spread the word, get in shape and help your finances!! Together we can end the trend!!
Everybody knows that working out often belongs to the things you must do if you want to lose weight. It does not matter what other folks might explain; you are unable to lose weight just by sitting around. What most people don’t realize however is that exercising can definitely be a pain. You are most likely geared up for muscle cramps and aches in your back and in your joints, but are you prepared for exercise induced headaches? Unfortunately a lot of individuals suffer from exercise triggered headaches but, thankfully, there is plenty you can to do treat and prevent them. Here is the way to do that.
Drink lots of water–you likely already understand that this is important to do regularly but it starts to get even more important when you exercise. Headaches will often be brought on by dehydration and dehydration can happen after a workout that has been successful and sweaty (sweat drains the body of fluid). Drinking fine volumes of water before your training session routines, during your work out and after you have finished working out can do quite a bit to help you keep the headaches at bay. This is typically usually all you will need to do to heal any headaches that turn up a while after your workouts too.
Proper warm ups along with cool downs are extremely essential. Just jumping right into a vigorous workout can cause headaches because the blood will start rushing in the direction of the parts of your body that are doing the work and away from your head and brain. Your brain needs time to adjust to the changes and a complete warm up and cool down lets your body to make those changes gradually.
Practice suitable breathing techniques while in your workouts and weight liftings. Our brains require oxygen to survive and operate properly. Most of us instinctively hold our breath whenever we are executing something difficult but that just reduces the oxygen that is available for your brain. By exercising good breathing you keep the brain supplied with a good amount of oxygen and will ward off headaches.
If you see that you are experiencing headaches frequently and nothing that you are trying is reducing them or helping you keep them away, it is time to talk to your doctor. If your workouts or diet plan are causing your regular headaches then your physician will be able to help you figure this out. It is possible that you need medication to keep the headaches at bay. Your doctor should be able to make it easier to figure out how to both cure your headaches and go on working out and your diet.
None of us really wants to experience a headache; we do almost everything we can to keep them at a distance. The best part is that you don’t have to merely suffer through them. With the proper preparing and know-how, it is possible to avoid exercise induced headaches completely!
Is Shakeology worth it?
Is Shakeology good for you?
Hopefully, by the time you’re finished reading this post, you’ll have a better idea of whether or not this best-selling meal replacement product is right for you.
Shakeology Review – The Basics
Shakeology is much more than just a protein shake. It’s also in a completely different league than your standard, everyday “meal replacement shake”.
In a nutshell, Shakeology is a complete (and super healthy) meal in a glass. Each shake is packed with 70 whole food ingredients that deliver the essential nutrients that the body craves and is often deprived of due to today’s typical unhealthy American diet.
Most Americans eat a steady stream of processed foods that are high in fat and sugar, and the challenge of eating a healthy diet is more difficult than ever. Shakeology offers a solution to that problem, one that is both convenient and affordable.
Is Shakeology a Scam?
Let’s be honest. The health and nutrition supplement industry isn’t always trusted or well-respected, and with very good reason. Many of the nutrition supplements being peddled today make huge claims and do very little (if anything) when it comes to providing real benefits to the customer.
With this in mind, it’s no wonder why some people are still skeptical about a possible Shakeology scam.
Fortunately, Beachbody is a company that takes great pride in their reputation and only produces the very best when it comes to health and fitness products. Great care was taken when formulating and sourcing the ingredients contained in Shakeology, and the end result is a product that truly deserves the growing popularity it’s enjoying.
The bottom line is Shakeology isn’t a scam, ripoff, or hoax. It’s a legitimate meal replacement product that delivers essential nutrition in a great-tasting, convenient, and affordable way.
Shakeology Benefits
Shakeology users have reported a wide range of health benefits, ranging from increased energy to lower cholesterol. In addition to providing all of these great benefits, it’s also great to know that Shakeology is certified low glycemic with a 24 GI (glycemic index) rating. A 24 GI rating is extremely low (which is a very good thing), and yet another confirmation of just how healthy this product really is.
In case you’re not familiar with GI ratings and the topic of blood sugar, foods that have high glycemic index ratings cause the body to produce higher levels of insulin which will provide a sugar rush, followed by a crash. Eating a diet that is primarily made up of low-GI foods is a great way to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels.
Here are some more Shakeology benefits that have been reported by customers:
Weight loss
Improved digestion
Better bowel regularity
Increased energy
Lower cholesterol
Looking for motivation?
Come join our team thread for some support and answers. If you don’t have a account join team it free!! Click here for TEAM SIGN UP!!!
Already have an account come join the team thread here: Team Thread