We push ourselves some times because we love the feeling but some times it is purely for a better tomrrow.
Category Archives: Motivation Morning
Do doctor cure us or just patch us up?
We had a doctor join our team this week and he had some amazing things to say about our company. Sorry for the novel.
“It is amazing how much medicine some people are on. As an emergency department physician, on a daily basis, I see people on 20, 30, even 40 medications a day. This is crazy!
If you have Diabetes, add 2-5 medications. Hypertension, add 2-3 more. If your have had a heart attack or have COPD, you could be on 5 medications for each.
If you have chronic pain, add narcotics, gabapentin, and a muscle relaxant. The cost of all these medications is often several hundred dollars a month.
So much of what we do as physicians is patchwork. If you have a problem, there is a medicine which might help. These medications usually do not fix the problem, but instead only cover it up.
I am coming to realize, however, that there is a much better way through diet and exercise. If there was a medication that cost $100 to $150 a month that could cure many of the ailments my patients suffered and would allow them to come off many of their current medications over time, they would demand to be on it.
For that price, they could get a BeachBody program, push play, maintain a good diet, and purchase appropriate supplements like Shakeology. They would loose weight, become physically stronger, and overall be much healthier. Many of their diseases would resolve and they would need less medication. They would live longer, healthier lives.
The problem is, however, that the healthy lifestyle takes a lot of physical effort, which the majority of the population is not willing to put forth. For them it is easier to take 30 to 40 pills a day.
I commend everyone on this message board for having the strength of will to go after their health goals. Lets all be good examples to friends and family of what a healthy lifestyle is all about.”
3 C’s for success.
(Fill it in Friday) If I would stop _______, I could_______.
(Fill in the blank) If I would stop _________, I could _________.
If you have to guess what number of attempts people take to try something new, what would you guess?
As a young man, Aber handling 10 went to war has a captain and returned a private Afterward, he was a failure as a businessman. As a lawyer in Springfield, he was too impractical and temperamental to be a success. He turned to politics and was defeated in his first right for the legislature, and again defeated in his first attempt to be nominated for Congress, Defeated a in his sent to a real election of 1854, defeated in his efforts for the vice presidency in 1856, and defeated in the senatorial election of 1858. But about that time, he wrote a letter to his friend, ” I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally disturbed to the whole human family, there would not be one sure full face on the earth.”
Can you imagine if that is 16th president of the United States of America had given up? How it would have changed history?
Would you be surprised if I told you that the most common number of attempts at trying something new is zero. Most people don’t even try, they decides that they will fail before they even begin.
We all have excuses. I’m too old, I won’t be good at it, it is too hard, I am too dumb, etc…
John C. Maxwell said it best when he said, “When you first start something new accept the fact that he will probably be bad at it.”
Chances are you aren’t a prodigy, and you will not be an expert in the new thing that you try, in fact you may very well be quite bad at it. That’s OK, we aren’t made to the expert in everything that we try the first time. Instead we try, then we are able to review what worked and what didn’t work. Correct the things that didn’t work and improves on the things that did work.
You’re human and that means are not perfect, which his perfect. As the challenges in our lives that make us who we are and what we are going to become.
Shake things up!
There is the perfect plan and then there is what actually happens.
Often times when we plan something out so detailed we get frustrated when things don’t go the way that we like them too. The trick is to adjust and make the best of what comes to us.
Don’t be so stuck in your ways to see that troubles or issues aren’t there to make sure that you are being the best you that you can be.
Be happy with what you have accomplished.
Society has given so many quick fixes that when we see that they have a path in front of them that will take effort and time, weekend to look for an easier and simpler route.
The path is more rewarding when you know you’ve earned it and it was just given to you. Focus on how far you’ve come because there is never an ending, you can always be more successful.
You get to choose…
Would you bet on your own life knowing your past?
@jensicero in her book #youareabadass said “You are the author of your own life.” and that means for good or for bad.
The events of your life might have delivered you where you are today but they don’t define where you are going tomorrow.
Take a few minutes and see my life in a nutshell https://youtu.be/LAz3v-s__LM
The Next Step not all steps
What you tell yourself has more power to affect your future then the things that are happening to you everyday.
I love the movie The Martian because the main character Mark Watney had every chance to say that’s it I’m done, I can’t take another setback. He doesn’t worry about everything he has to overcome but instead he only focuses on what’s next.
You don’t have to focus on everything, just what’s next, what do you have to do right now to make the next step in life. You can’t walk a mile unless you walk the first 3 feet.
First day to decide how your life is going to go.
I consider Sunday the first day of the week, which is the perfect time decide how we are going to live the rest of the week.
We will all have challenges in the up coming week and if we decide NOW that we are going to take those challenges head on with a great attitude those challenges may still be tough but will be much easier to deal with.