Category Archives: Motivation Morning

Consistency in small changes.


What are you going to choose today?

Making little changes to your daily routine is what is needed to make big changes to your life.

But its not only the little changes that are needed, it is consistency in those repetitive sometimes boring little actions that bring true change.

The small consistent changes overtime will compound into the results that we get.

If we make bad choices it compounds in too bad results, but if we make good choices it will compound into good results.

SO… what are you going to choose today?

What do say to yourself?


Self talk can be one of the most rewarding or one of the most damaging things that we do.

When speaking to ourselfs, determine if what we are saying is positive or negative by asking “Would I say this to a friend?” 

If you wouldn’t say it your friend because it is hurtful, then why would you say it to yourself.

Remember what we tell ourselves is what we focus on, and what we focus on so it becomes our reality.

Social media issue number 1!


I love social medias but there is one issue.

Many of us when we share we only share the good things that happen in our lives and so we become almost unrelatable.

I know that I personally have daily struggles that I don’t share here, and it’s not about being perfect it’s about doing your best and the ability to keep moving forward.

There is no such thing as a perfect life, only the choice to keep moving forward and to improve ourselves each day.

Don’t strive for perfect, strive for better than yesterday.

The path may not exsist.


When going out and trying something new the path that we are taking may either be very hard to see or may not even exist.

Don’t let that stop you, if there something that you want create a path and start moving.

You will have people that will tell you you are crazy and it can’t be done but as you keep going forward you will find others that will follow help you build that road to your future.

Whatever you do however slow it goes keep building and creating the future that you want and remember to live like no other you have to live like no other.

What is the reason that you to make your life better?


There are many reasons why we need to lose weight, but saying I want to lose 5, 10, or even more weight is not reason.

We need to get into your own heads and start looking at what it is that we truly want and why it is you truly eat the way we do…

Sure there are workouts that can be done to help you lose weight, tone up and build muscle, but when we find our true reason why we are changing our lives then eating and working out is not the focus but instead reaching our true goal becomes our calling.

So what is your goal…
Getting ready for a vacation, getting off are medications, to be able to walk up a flight of stairs, to keep up with our kids, to give ourselves the best chance to see our sons, daughters and/or grandkids walk down the aisle on their wedding day, etc… 

Or is it like me personal reason of being able to look in the mirror know that I wasn’t a failure for my wife and kids.

What is the reason that you to make your life better?

Probably really bad at first…


It is shown that more people decide not to try something new because they know that are going to fail, then people that actual try at all.

When we get out of our heads that failing is NOT a bad thing, and that when we do fail we have the opportunity to learn and we can truly grow in knowledge and experience.

Don’t let the fear of failing hold you back! Grasp 👊 the fact that probably be bad at whatever you do for the first time and get ready to embrace any failure as a way to make yourself a better and more incredible person that you are!

Live on purpose


Before I started my journey I complained that I didn’t have enough time for myself.

Between working 60-80 a week in the IT field, coming home and being a father and husband, I didn’t have time right?

When I looked in the mirror and found myself literly obese, I could make the excuse that I was too busy and head for an early grave or choose to change my priorities and start taking care of myself.

Choose to run your life and not have your life run you and live your life on purpose.