Category Archives: Motivational

Want a 9% Raise? Hit the Gym

By Jack Hough | SmartMoney – Thu, Jun 7, 2012 1:08 PM EDT

Stagnant wages and shaky investment markets are enough to make workers want to hit the gym to forget about their money troubles. They might just find that the treadmill offers better financial returns than Wall Street.

Workers who exercise regularly earn 9% higher pay on average than those who don’t, according to a study published in the June issue of the Journal of Labor Research.

Past studies have linked exercise with higher earnings, but the direction of cause and effect wasn’t clear. If gym-goers are more disciplined than their slothful coworkers, they might earn higher pay simply because they’re better workers, not because they exercise.

In an effort to cut through the confusion, Vasilios Kosteas of Cleveland State University, the study’s author, used a statistical technique called propensity-score matching. The idea is to score each study subject on whether they fit the profile of someone who exercises, based on factors like age, education level, and whether he or she played sports in high school.

By comparing subjects with similar scores, only some of whom exercise, Mr. Kosteas says his study indicates that exercise leads to higher earnings — although he also says follow-up studies are needed to know for sure.

Exercise has been shown in other studies to boost mental function and energy levels and improve mood. In that respect, it’s possible that it makes workers more valuable to employers.

If it’s any motivation for workers, the study suggests time at the gym pays for itself, and then some.

In May, the average American worker earned $23.41 an hour, according to the Labor Department.  Assuming three hours of exercise per week, enough to satisfy the minimum level used in the study, a typical worker’s time spent huffing and puffing is valued by the labor market at $70.23. His extra pay over a 40-hour work week is worth $84.28–about 20% more.

Of course, even if the study findings hold for large numbers of people, there’s no guarantee an individual’s workouts will lead to a raise. But it may bring other financial rewards, like lower healthcare costs and the ability to remain productive into old age.

Mr. Kosteas takes his own investment advice. At 5’6” and 165 pounds, he says he lifts weights regularly–even if he has put on 10 pounds since the birth of his son. Two years ago he got a promotion and a raise.

5 Surprising Happiness Tricks

Feeling down? Try these all natural moves to boost your mood big time.

Right about now, we’re guessing you could use a little pick-me-up. Unpredictable weather and the serious lack of national holidays on the horizon can be a giant bummer. And while we can’t make summer hurry up and get here any quicker, these surprising—easy!—moves can have a big impact on your happiness levels right now. Try these research-backed tips for a sunnier disposition.

1. Hit the bottle
The water bottle, that is. Being mildly dehydrated can make your mood, energy levels, and ability to think clearly plummet—especially if you’re a woman, according to a new study in The Journal of Nutrition. Your urine is a good way to gauge your hydration level: The darker it is, the more likely you’re dehydrated.
2. Move in slow-mo
Over the next five minutes, slow completely down. Make your movements deliberate while focusing your attention on being present in the moment—whether it’s feeling the warm suds on your skin while washing dishes or savoring the coffee you’re sipping. “When you live your life with your awareness engaged in the present moment and learn to be here now, you appreciate the simplest things,” says Sarah McLean, author of the new book Soul Centered. “Ordinary tasks will begin to have new dimensions and depth.”
3. Go green
People exposed to nature not only feel less stressed, but they also have lower levels of the stress-hormone cortisol in their bodies, finds a recent study from researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Take a few minutes to connect with nature by taking a quick walk during your lunch break—city parks count!—or bundle up with your honey for some after-dinner stargazing. Instead of a weekend brunch date, meet your buddy for a Sunday morning hike.
4. Show off your strengths
Take a moment to think about what you do best. Are you an empathetic listener? Excellent baker? Impressive organizer? Mildly depressed people who practiced positive activity interventions for a week—such as using one of their signature strengths in a new way or writing down three good things about their lives—reaped a boost in well-being that lasted for six months, according to a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Call a friend who’s going through a rough time, or bake some banana bread for your neighbor; you’ll feel better and so will the people around you.
5. Get sweaty
We know, we know: When you’re bummed out, hitting the track for 15 minutes is the last thing you want to do. But if you needed another reason to be convinced that getting some exercise really can make you feel better, try these: Study participants who did at least 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity reported higher levels of excitement, finds a new study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Another exercise bonus: Workers who exercise are half as likely to experience burnout as their sedentary counterparts, reports new research in the Journal of Applied Psychology.