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Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

By Jessica Girdwain

If you just started an exercise plan or are getting your butt in gear by working out more consistently, you may need to change how you fuel your body to get the most out of it. Common nutrition mistakes such as drinking your calories or eating too much postworkout may be the reason why you can’t lose weight (or inches) even though you’re giving it your all. Although getting fit isn’t just about the scale, it’s still an important factor, so we’ll break down 5 common problems—and how to fix them—to get you back on the path to results

Woman eating an Apple


Problem 1: You have no idea how many calories you’re really eating

It’s common to think more exercise = more calories. But if you’re trying to lose weight, you may be adding on as many calories as you’re burning—or more. “Think about the food that you’re eating to fuel your workouts and ask yourself how it fits into your total calorie allotment for the day,” advises Felicia Stoler, MS, RD, a nutritionist and exercise physiologist. Just because you hit the cardio hard today doesn’t automatically mean you can supersize dinner. “Most people have no idea how much they’re really eating.” To get honest with yourself about your calorie needs, write down everything you eat for a day (yes, even that handful of nuts you’re holding right now) or use a site like MyFitnessPal®. You’ll probably be surprised by your final number.

Problem 2: You’re hydrating with a sports drink

Man Drinking Sports DrinkIf you’re doing a hard, prolonged workout, then hydrating with a sports drink can be a good thing, but for your standard, at-home program, you’re usually better off with water. Sports drinks contain about 50 calories per 8 oz., and 14 grams of sugar (about 3.5 teaspoons). Your body will probably burn though that in an hour-long workout, but then you won’t be mobilizing fat stores as much. As for the electrolytes, yes, an hour-long program depletes them, but it’s nothing a good recovery drink can’t fix.

Problem 3: You’re addicted to that preworkout snack

As long as they’re getting enough balanced calories in their diet, the average person should have all the glycogen stores they need to get through an hour-long workout, even first thing in the morning. Eating something beforehand might give your performance a little boost, but if you skip it you’re better off—teaching your body how to mobilize fat stores for energy (just like in Problem 2). The exception to this is if you “bonk” or run out of glycogen and blood sugar partway through your workout. When this happens, you don’t just feel a little pooped; you feel as though you’ve just run into a brick wall. If this happens, 50–100 calories of simple carbs, 10 minutes before you start, should fix it. Half a banana would be ideal. If you’re looking for a boost with minimal calories, Beachbody’s E&E Energy and Endurance® Formula or a strong cup of coffee are two great ergogenic aids.

Problem 4: You’re eliminating all carbs

CarbsSo many exercisers try to eliminate starchy carbs—including whole grains and starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn—when they’re trying to lose weight. But it’s water weight you’re losing, not fat. Not only that, the strategy can backfire. Depleting carbs from your diet means that you have to tap into your lean protein stores for energy, which ultimately can decrease your lean muscle mass. Muscle is critical for upping your metabolism—and burning more calories even while you sit around—so you may see your weight plateau. The lesson? Don’t be afraid to incorporate some whole grains and starchy veggies into your daily diet.

Problem 5: You’re not working out hard enough

If you notice you come home from a run only to find that you’re noticeably hungrier, consider upping the intensity of that run. A recent study in the International Journal of Obesity looked at sedentary, overweight men who either worked out at a moderate pace for 30 minutes or completed a high-intensity interval workout for the same amount of time.1 Those who did the intense interval exercise ate less at a subsequent meal, as well as the next day. Not every workout should be an intense interval session, but fitting in one or two a week can help turn the dial down on your appetite.


  1. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise Attenuates Ad-Libitium Energy Intake

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Daily Success 2/3/2013 – all I wanted to do was pretty much NOTHING


I have a very stressful and physically demanding job. So for years, when I’d come home from work, all I wanted to do was pretty much NOTHING so I could decompress. I convinced myself that veggin’ on the couch, playing video games, munching on candy bars, and gulping down sodas were all okay because I got plenty of physical activity at work and deserved to “relax” at home.

Yet, all my relaxing somehow packed on the pounds—and before I knew it I topped out at 230 lbs. I knew my wife was disappointed in me but she never said anything, I could just sense it. Then one day when she walked out on my “I just want to relax” monologue in silence, it finally hit me that I was disrespecting her and had to change—quick. That’s when I decided to try Tony Horton’s 10-Minute-Trainer®.

Honestly, I picked 10-Minute Trainer because I thought it was the easiest one (see, even after deciding to get in shape I still tried to take the easy road). I also chose it because I believed I had no time to work out, which was just another one of my many lame excuses. I had only planned to do one 10-minute workout a day, but by the end of the week I was feeling so great that I was up to two workouts per session. And before I knew it, I was doing three 10-minute workouts back-to-back—boy, was I addicted.

Now I’m stronger, my stamina has increased, and the weight is slowly-but-surely disappearing (so far I’ve lost 17 lbs.)! The video games and junk food have all been put away, my spring is back in my step, and overall I’m just happier. Plus, I feel more confident that I have my team members’ backs and am ready for anything that comes my way. For so many years I disregarded the fact that my inability to physically perform on the job could end in serious injury or death. Not only does my personal fitness level affect my safety, but the safety of my teammates, as well as the general public. I have to be alert and ready for anything that comes my way—not just sometimes, but all of the time.

Tony’s 10-Minute Trainer is a quality program that really works; regardless of what athletic level you’re at. With anything in life, you only get out of it what you put into it. So if you just listen to Tony and dig deep, YOU WILL GET RESULTS! I did, and couldn’t be more proud. I think my wife, and my teammates, would also agree.

Coach’s Corner – How do you Hydrate?

Our bodies are made up of mostly water but we tend to neglect this most vital ingredient. Why is water so important what does it help us with and how much should you be drinking?!?!


An average man’s body weight is made up of 57% water!! That is a lot of water, and being that we have so much water in our bodies it is important to make sure the we are getting enough.

The lack of water can cause issues from tiredness, constipation, to plain old tiredness.

There are several ways to calculate how much water you should be drinking and one of them is to drink half of your body weight in oz. So if you weight 160 lbs you should be drinking 80 oz.

What about drinking to much water and water intoxication? What intoxication is the dilution of sodium in the body but is usually only seen in infants under six and sometimes athletes when they are sweating a lot. An adult with healthy kidneys can process up to 15 liters of water a day! So as long as you are drinking you water throughout the day and not all at one time you should be fine.

Food can also help or hinder you attempt to stay hydrated fruits and veggies like watermelon, squashes, apples, etc… can help you get the water you need through it is harder to determine how much water you are actually getting for our foods, on the upside many of these foods will provide you with nutrients that you need. On the downside foods with high sodium or diuretics can cause the need for more water and while in the right amounts can help the body function better, in large amounts it will cause the body to start retaining water.

So wither you are staying hydrated from drinking or from eating make sure that you stay hydrated to get the benefits of:
Better Body Temperature Regulation
Increased Body Lubrication
Improved weight maintenance
Toxin Removal
Physical Efficiency



Daily Success 1/14/2013 – I have always loved running, but after a bad car accident…

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups7-Darrell-UR-Shakeology

I have always loved running, but after a bad car accident left me unable to run anymore, my weight crept up from 175 to 235—and there it stayed for 20 years! When I finally went to the doctors for my first check up, he told me my cholesterol was at 399—with my triglycerides at 899.

I couldn’t believe it—he was right, I was a heart attack waiting to happen.

My daughter cried, and begged me to get my health under control so I could walk her down the aisle. At the time, she wasn’t even engaged but I understood what she needed. She needed me to change my life in a very drastic way.

But it was my wife who was the biggest inspiration. After battling Fibromyalgia for ten years, and recently surviving a stroke, she knew how precious health can be. But all her health issues caused her to gain a tremendous amount of weight—and she was struggling. I decided if I could change my life, maybe I could inspire her to change hers as well.

Luckily, our daughter had been a Beachbody Coach for two years, so she knew how to help. She told me to try Shakeology to help gradually change my relationship with food. It was great. The cravings went away and I was dropping pounds.

Then, I committed to doing the Ultimate Reset and that completely changed the way I thought about food—and helped me lose 47 lbs. My wife decided to give it a go and lost 35lbs. I was also able to lower my cholesterol to 145 and get off my meds— but the best news was that a month ago I was able to walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/21/2012 – Jessica was totally miserable tired, stressed and had no energy.


I really want to thank my Coach. When I hit 128 pounds, I was totally miserable about what I had let myself become. I was tired all the time, stressed and had no energy. My self-confidence was gone.

That’s when my Coach lifted me up. She invited me over to her house, showed me Firestarter, and before I left, I ordered TurboFire and Shakeology. I was on my way! At first, it was tough. But Chalene pushed me along, and I kept going! The high after each workout was addictive. And being part of a Challenge Group kept me on track. There were days I didn’t want to work out, but I was not going to be the one in the group to give up.

After 12 weeks of TurboFire, I am in the best shape of my life! I am back into jeans I never thought I’d wear again. At 31, I feel better than I ever have, thanks to TurboFire and Shakeology.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/8/2012 P90X saved Roberts life!

“I was basically killing myself. My eating was out of control. I was a heavy drinker. I was totally stressed out. I didn’t exercise. I weighed 388 pounds. I felt worthless. And just catching my breath was getting harder and harder every day.

I was angry—at myself—for what I had done to my body.

That’s when a friend stepped in and saved my life. He gave me a heart-to-heart—and P90X. It was just the lifeline I needed. At first, it was tough, but I felt strangely comfortable with it. It felt like I was working out with friends. Within months, I was addicted. In a year and 2 months, I have lost nearly 200 pounds. I can now breathe, tie my shoes, and run for miles!

My energy levels are now through the roof. And I feel reborn—literally—like a new person. Thanks to P90X, I’ve even given myself a second birthday—July 5th. And as a present to myself—I’m passing along the gift my friend gave to me by helping others who are close to me change their lives, too.”

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