Category Archives: Uncategorized

Confession time!!


It is confession time! I thought I was eating healthy through the holidays but yesterday was day one.

If you have ever been a part of one of my groups, you know that we track serval things at least once a month. So when I got on the scale yesterday and saw my way up from where I usually see it, I knew I had not been tracking what I had been preaching.

I am 2 months away from my 40th birthday and it is time to get serious and make these two months count. The only way to do that is to track what I’m doing, and push myself to do better!  Workouts, nutrition, hydration and sleep!

Love yourself to be your best!


Working out and exercising are about making yourself feel better.

With that being said you should the accepting of your body no matter where are you at in your life’s journey.

Some people exercise to look good but I feel that is just an added bonus. Exercise and eating right is about giving yourself the best chance of living a happy and more productive life.

So love your body no matter what shape it is in they give yourself the best chance to live healthy.

Having a schedule…


The first Monday of the new year! What is on your schedule?

This is the biggest time for New Year’s resolutions and it is a perfect time to make a change in your life. Those changes usually don’t last until February unfortunately.

Having a schedule, changing your life that doesn’t absolutely change everything, and Support are three things that can help you be successful in 2016.

Message me to get started as I have a fantastic group that will help support you, we can set a schedule that fits your life, nutrition that is easy and delicious, and of course I am here to help you make sure you reach all your health and fitness goals.