Happy new year!! It looks like that I am going to be focusing on food to start off the new year As I am fighting off a major chest cold.
What do you do to help with getting over a chest cold?
It is the last day of the year, and time to really commit to making 2016 the year that you want it to be!
Do you have your schedule set, do you have a group of people that will help you accomplish what you want, do you have your goals set?
Message me if you are ready to get going along with my team to ensure that we have the best year yet!
The little steps that we pick and choose each day are what’s going to make tomorrow a brighter day.
Many times we wait for that single big event to change our life but it’s the small things we choose each day that will make us ready for something big.
The people that seem to have everything go their way, are the people that make the small choices each day that set them up to be successful.
It is Christmas Eve, are you making those small choices today?
What are you doing this Holiday season for yourself?
This is a crazy time of year with all the holidays.
Make sure that you take time for yourself to either live a healthy life or create new habits for a healthier way of being.
Family and friends want to have you around for as long as possible, so give yourself the best chance of making it a healthy and fulfilling life.
What could you do with extra time?
I was talking to someone yesterday, they said they spend an hour and a half doing their work out and 20 minutes driving to and 20 minutes driving from the gym.
I just spent 30 minutes doing my workout and I I am wiped out, and since I do it in my basement there was no time driving to and from a gym!
Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE!!
How do you prepare for a Christmas party? Comment below…
Early morning Christmas party at the church today, so it’s important that I get my workout in early, and earn the pancakes that I’m going to have this morning!
Nutrition should match your goals and my goals this morning her to have Merry Christmas and hang out with some great church members.
We have all said it and meant it, but words mean nothing unless they are followed with action.
You don’t need a Monday to start you don’t need a new year to get going all you need to do is take a step.
Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE and comment or message me for info on our next fitness challenge group and start taking action today!
I would love to tell people that after you start working out, that everything will be wonderful and all rainbows and unicorns.
The fact is when you start things get hard. You are changing your life and the direction that you have been traveling. Getting out of the wake of life and on a new path can be hard, but it is so worth it!!