It is Monday and the start of another beautiful week.
We have new snow on the ground and holidays in the air which are both good excuses to take it easy.
BUT if you want to see change today is the day to start!
What are you working on today?
Sunday is my exercise rest day but that doesn’t mean that I am being not improving myself.
Each day it’s a chance to look at ourselves and evaluate how we can improve financially, physically, mentally, spiritually, etc…
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Do you agree?
The strength of one person is their character, and as long as you stick with your character it will build your reputation.
What is something you were not good at, when you started?
Oftentimes we will give up because we aren’t as good or as talented as others.
Remember everyone was a beginner at one time and through practice inconsistency change occurred.
We made it! Halfway through the week and the weekend is around the corner.
No matter how fast or slow your is going, each step you take is a step forward in your progress.
Things happen when we step out of our comfort zone and take a chance.
Every time that we sit around waiting for something to happen, sitting is what happens. If we want change we have to change what we do.
A few years ago I would sit in my own little world and keep to myself, it scared me to talk to people.
Today I love talking to people. I just met Ruben the flight attendent as we sit on the runway here in Oakland. He like myself left the IT field to do something that he loves.
It is scary to follow your dreams but it is so worth it. Just ask Ruben who left the IT field 27 years ago and me almost 1 year ago.
Do you know someone that left their employment to follow their dreams?
What are you doing today?
With all the benefits of getting up and moving for just 30 minutes a day the question is why wouldn’t you exercise?!?
We all choose what we do each day, and those choices are what makes our lives what they are.
30 minutes a day is 2% of your complete day, isn’t it worth 2% of your day to make it a healthier life?
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Where do get your daily motivation?
I have a set places that I looked for motivation each day, friends, family, Mentors and self-improvement books.
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Living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life…