It is a new week and that means it is time to choose a new additude!
We don’t get to choose what happens to us, we only get to choose the path of how we are going to move forward.
@jensicero in her book #youareabadass said “You are the author of your own life.” and that means for good or for bad.
The events of your life might have delivered you where you are today but they don’t define where you are going tomorrow.
Take a few minutes and see my life in a nutshell
What you tell yourself has more power to affect your future then the things that are happening to you everyday.
I love the movie The Martian because the main character Mark Watney had every chance to say that’s it I’m done, I can’t take another setback. He doesn’t worry about everything he has to overcome but instead he only focuses on what’s next.
You don’t have to focus on everything, just what’s next, what do you have to do right now to make the next step in life. You can’t walk a mile unless you walk the first 3 feet.
Happy 40th birthday to me, this mean kind of sums up what I have been working for.
In my 40 years of life I’ve had a lot of accomplishment, challenges, struggles, heartache, successes, etc… and I can say that I am proud of everything even the mistakes that I’ve made because it has made me who I am today.
Don’t live in fear of what you have done in the past, use it as steps to become better, to help others, and to leave a legacy that others will remember you in a good light.
I consider Sunday the first day of the week, which is the perfect time decide how we are going to live the rest of the week.
We will all have challenges in the up coming week and if we decide NOW that we are going to take those challenges head on with a great attitude those challenges may still be tough but will be much easier to deal with.
What are you going to choose today?
Making little changes to your daily routine is what is needed to make big changes to your life.
But its not only the little changes that are needed, it is consistency in those repetitive sometimes boring little actions that bring true change.
The small consistent changes overtime will compound into the results that we get.
If we make bad choices it compounds in too bad results, but if we make good choices it will compound into good results.
SO… what are you going to choose today?
Self talk can be one of the most rewarding or one of the most damaging things that we do.
When speaking to ourselfs, determine if what we are saying is positive or negative by asking “Would I say this to a friend?”
If you wouldn’t say it your friend because it is hurtful, then why would you say it to yourself.
Remember what we tell ourselves is what we focus on, and what we focus on so it becomes our reality.
I love social medias but there is one issue.
Many of us when we share we only share the good things that happen in our lives and so we become almost unrelatable.
I know that I personally have daily struggles that I don’t share here, and it’s not about being perfect it’s about doing your best and the ability to keep moving forward.
There is no such thing as a perfect life, only the choice to keep moving forward and to improve ourselves each day.
Don’t strive for perfect, strive for better than yesterday.