I had always been in reasonable shape, but as I got older, old, unhealthy habits slowly creeped back into my life. I stopped working out. And when I realized that I had no energy, was gaining weight, and just didn’t seem myself, I knew I was headed for disaster.
So I fought back. I decided to accept the Beachbody Challenge and take control. It was time to become a happier, healthier person. But I hate taking the easy way, so I challenged myself to enter the Asylum with Shaun T.
But I didn’t just want to get fit in 30 days, I wanted to go beyond any level of fitness I had experienced before. I WANTED TO REACH PEAK ATHLETIC ABILITY!
In the beginning, my goal was just to keep up. That meant digging deep. It meant leaning on my Team Beachbody Coach for support and the occasional “kick in the butt.” And it meant fueling up with Shakeology.
Guess what? It worked. In just 30 days, I achieved remarkable levels of endurance, strength, agility and energy. What surprised me most was the huge improvement in my long jump. Now I know I can take on any challenge and reach my goals! Thanks Shaun T. And thanks Beachbody!
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