Daily Success 12/28/2012 – The birth of his daughter made Roberto realize how sedentary his life was…



My life was sedentary and I didn’t pay enough attention to exercise. I was always tired, weak, and could not rest well. In short, I had very little discipline with myself.

My daughter’s birth motivated me to change because it made me realize I was not alone anymore. I wondered what would happen if one day she wanted to play with me. I didn’t know what to do, I can’t be so active and I’m always tired! Besides, I had an injury that made me gain a bit more weight. That’s when I decided to take control over my life.

I started the Beachbody Challenge™, and little by little my entire body changed. I lost 61 lbs in one round of INSANITY® and 17 lbs in one of Asylum. My blood pressure is at its best level, the cholesterol, in short, all my body underwent a great change and I lost a total of 80 lbs. Shaun T is the best motivational trainer, thanks to his motivation I have a better shape and a better health to keep telling everybody what INSANITY has done for me.

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